MrYagut’s #13 Legend Midrange Hunter (August 2016, Season 29)
Learn how to play this archetype with our Midrange Hunter Deck List Guide.
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LIterally just remove a single card for Nzoth and this deck becomes MUCH better. It amazes me its not in there.
What do you think of subbing something out for a Hyena? Since it kinda has synergy with barnes and the double hounds.
What would you drop for it though… maybe one of the Riders?
Can I replace a call for the wild for n’zoth! IT MAKES SENSE!
Call of the Wild is a pretty huge deal for Hunter right now, so you’ll lose out on a large win condition by replacing it. I’d highly suggest crafting them if you’re looking to play Hunter, that plus Savannah Highmane are arguably the most valuable cards available to Hunter at the moment.
Relies solidly on luck. You need to dray the early drops very fast or else you will probably lose the game. It has no cardraw, so you can easily topdeck argent squires in turns 7-8, which will probably make you lose.
I don’t like the horse rider very much .
Easy to get 60%+ from 5-2, then you might want to switch to aggro shaman
Sorry, but this deck isn’t as good as it’s made out.
EU server is much stronger than NA, so it’s not as effective.
You do know MrYagut plays on EU, right? The deck works great.
How good is this deck against dragon warrior
From rank 3 to legend so easily. Really good and strong deck in this meta.
30-15 atm.
i’m no HS expert… far from it… but taking out Hugh Toad for a 1/1 with death rattle seems bad…… what does it do other than die for free? the same minion you ran it into is just going to kill the 3/2 it spawns later right? What’s the point? Not to mention it’s just a horrible late game top deck.
Am i missing something?
my mistake… huge toad is still in there…. but i’m still not sold on the card.
it synergizes with barnes as all deathrattle minions do. with squires and abusives +1firebat in the deck its probably better to run it over elekk
Barnes is 1 card in the deck with minimal draw. Trying to make every pull value will worsen the overall performance of the deck as most games you won’t draw Barnes.
Great against Doomsayer and other board cleaners too.
Kill command activator, trades up with buffs like abusive/houndmaster and leaves a 3/2 body. Also one of the better outcomes from barnes since you get 3/4 + 1/1 + 3/2 for 4 mana. NEW 4 mana 7/7!
thats a 4/3, right there, theres probbly not a better 2 drop right now than that. lol
Totem Golem
Totem Golem is technically 3 mana