[MotLK] OTK Quest Druid

Class: Druid - Format: hydra - Type: combo - Season: season-104 - Style: theorycraft

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Here is a list for an OTK Druid thanks to the new card Anub'Rekhan 

Once your quest is over you can play Anub'RekhanBrann Bronzebeard + Guff. 

T8 here’s what you should have : 

Anub'RekhanBrann Bronzebeard + Guff

Then you can play Youthful Brewmaster + Guff Again to have 25 armor and 32 Atk. It’s can be enought if you do it t8 or later but for the full combo and the most damage you can get here is the order

T10 or +

Play Anub'Rekhan + Brann Bronzebeard + Guff + Youthful Brewmaster then Guff again + X2 Northshire Farmer and Composting with 2 mana left. Then play Deathwing the Destroyer. At this point, you have 9 armor left, 32 atk and 6 draw for 12 Guff in your deck. 

So 32 atk up to 80((6*8)+32)

I dont think you need that much to win your game but it’s fun to try to get the most atk you can. An easy way to win is to play Anub'Rekhan,Brann Bronzebeard Guff, Zola the Gorgon Guff x2 and Smothering Starfish  to be sure to strike 48 damages face.

What do you guys think about this terrible card Anub'Rekhan ?

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