General Mulligans
As I said before, anything with 1-3 mana is fine! I don't complain if I get Barnes in the mulligan since he gives me a free minion at turn 4! You don't need to rush. :)
Hello everyone!
This is my second deck I create. I’ve had a lot of success with this deck and I thought I would share it with you guys.
Please note that I’m not a pro player or anything like that, I’m just an average Hearthstone player trying to have some fun!
I WILL replace/remove cards in this deck as I play with it, and feel free to give me suggestions! But this is what I’ve come up with so far.
The deck works great against any type of decks (at least the ones I’ve been up against so far) if you have patience and don’t mess things up real bad, but of course you will lose sometimes.
So yeah, try it out and tell me what you think!
Cards that can be replaced:
These are the cards that I found to be least useful and that I will probably try to replace with something else, feel free to try something out yourself and post your results!
Barnes: Although it’s pretty cool when he summons Emperor, Hogger or Nozdormu on turn 4 he’s not THAT helpful.
Keeper of the Grove: yes it’s pretty sweet when you get that silence perfectly, but it’s very rare ..
Stampeding Kodo: pretty much useless, only got to use his battlecry once so far.
Moonglade Portal: might just replace one of these, I very rarely get to use it, but when I do, it’s pretty okay I guess.
Hogger: Not necessary and I rarely get more than 1 taunt, but I have him just because of Cenarius or Power of the Wild
Nozdormu: Totally not necessary, I just threw him in there because I wanted to, I love to see their face when they only get 15 seconds to decide what to do, I’ve had some really fun games because of this guy!
Of course there might be more cards you guys won’t enjoy in this deck but as I said before I am open for suggestions! I’ve had some really fun and crazy games with this deck and I mainly play it for fun and not for winning (although my win-rate so far is 80%).
Well anything from 1-3 mana is perfectly fine!