Monsanto’s KFT Kazakus Reaper Highlander Priest – #1 Legend (August 2017)
- 0Silence1
- 1Holy Smite1
- 1Northshire Cleric1
- 1Pint-Size Potion1
- 1Potion of Madness1
- 1Power Word: Shield1
- 2Radiant Elemental1
- 2Shadow Visions1
- 2Shadow Word: Death1
- 2Shadow Word: Pain1
- 2Spirit Lash1
- 3Curious Glimmerroot1
- 3Holy Nova1
- 3Kabal Talonpriest1
- 4Greater Healing Potion1
- 4Kazakus1
- 4Lyra the Sunshard1
- 4Priest of the Feast1
- 4Shadow Word: Horror1
- 5Dragonfire Potion1
- 5Raza the Chained1
- 6Cabal Shadow Priest1
- 8Shadowreaper Anduin1
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I’m struggling with this deck…
Too many aggro decks just destroy me.
Could someone Give me a Hint?
I replaced one Ooze for Skulking Geist.
Replacement for thalnos?
Tainted Zealot for the spell damage. Other than that not much.
I play with xixos version of this deck. Which one is better?
Substitution for lyra?
Yo, this deck is far more math based than many of the other highroller variants. This deck has no RNG, you can calculate very precise plays with this deck unlike many other variants where you are forced to 1 card a turn. Amazing fun deck, I would put this as a Mid-Range deck though as its combo based, but when you pull off the combos super fun. Due to lack of pirates I cut a gluttonous for tar creeper.
How is this doing in comparison to the late game Xixo list? I feel like you sacrifice the late game in this deck, and go all in on the DK Priet and Raza combo. Then you have all sorts of cheap stuff to throw down to keep the damage dealing alive. Is that what this deck is about? Seems like the only Win Condition.
I m playing with xixos version. Which deck is better this one or xixo’s
My recommendation is not to ask other peoples, try both of them and find what fits you better.
It’s not something someone can say “Monsanto deck is better, he have hit legend 1 with his version”, nor you can say “Xixo have more late game, it’s a better deck”, you need to consider the individual ability to pilot the deck, his matches, the meta-game, etc…
Now that i made this clear.
Monsanto’s list is a lot more complicated to play(pilot the deck) you must consider plays ahead of the turn, it’s a very math heavy deck (Calculating the damage you must do, how much your adversary can heal, how you will win and how long will your adversary takes to kill you) and there are some decision takings (like chooseing between potion of 1 mana 5 mana or 10 mana in kazakus) that you must consider.
Xixo’s list is a lot more straightfoward, your potions options will probably limit itself 99% of the time to 10 mana and 5 mana, you have other win conditions that are not Shadowreaper anduin, i don’t want to say it’s a easy deck (because it’s not) but it’s not as difficult to pilot as Monsanto. (The same can be said about other versions that run Nzoth for exemple).
Monsanto’s list (this version) is also heavily teched to face aggro decks that run pirates and weapons (the 2 oozes and 1 golakka crawler), a leason you must consider of teching and adjusting decks as you face certain decks, pirates are dead? tech out golaka and maybe one of the oozes and try eater of secrets against that combo mage?
Monsanto’s list probably comes from the idea that Anduin is a good enough win condition by itself and in some matches having 3 of them (Mediv, Lich King, Anduin) might be overkill and will not help against some matchups that tend to finish before you even have time to play 3 win conditions (in the case of Pirates) so he opens the space he would place Mediv (and all it’s spells) with Tech cards and more mid-rangeish options.
God i am dumb >.< I used your Name as my name.
Thank you so much. I go with the xixos version because it is more fun to play. Still i have one question? Do you recommend big priest or highlander
I have won matches with this deck without having drawn Raza, Kazakus or Anduin. This can beat aggro without any of those. It still has all the good priest removal and aggro runs out of steam.
Testing this deck, so far doing average.
My changes:
+ Shadow Ascendant
+ Devour Mind
– Acidic Swamp Ooze
– Golakka Crawler
Where is the Guide ! ?
Why is it called Highlander?
Highlander was a movie series with the iconic phrase ‘there can be only one’.
Just like MTG’s EDH (Elder Dragon Highlander), more commonly known as Commander, where you can also have only one of each card in a deck.
This deck is awful compared to multiple others currently played in ranked.
As a reminder when netdecking, you must first think about the meta of the rank you’re in. It’s very clear that this list was targeting pirate warrior and aggro decks with crab and double weapon destruction and cutting all late game greedy cards. This could be because that day he was playing was full of pirates and this happened to be the list he got to rank one legend with. Adjust accordingly to what you’re facing instead of just saying this deck sucks. Don’t copy it card for card.
Exactly what Andy said!
Well said, Andy. Good show.
Understood – just mentioning that there are other highlander decks currently in the meta that have higher value cards.
I have to agree with Belushi on this one – at least from my experience from rank 2 and 1 in the current meta. I have much better results cutting the card draw and weapon removal from more late game cards.
I bet you haven’t even tried it in this meta. Read Andy’s comment…..
Hey, I’ve been playing a much bigger version of this deck with a very high winrate. Does dropping most of the lategame from most builds still allow you to beat jade druid and the mirror match?
Probably not. Monsanto is a pro player who dedicates 5+ hours per day to the game, I don’t doubt he got to Legend with this. Considering some of the low cost spells, I’d say this deck is more focused on the combo. I personally use N’zoth, Lich King, Skulking Geist (Jade Counter) and other stuff.