My version of the now well-known wild Togwaggle druid. In fact, this deck is only a fusion of two wild Togwaggle druid decks made by legend-rank players: Roffle and DrHamfist. The former having created a deck based more on defense, and the latter based more on drawing quickly, I decided to try to make a “perfect” mix of the two decks by keeping what I believe are the best attributes of each deck and dumping the cards which I believe to be less important. For the moment, I have been able to achieve rank 2 with it, but not more, so if you try it and hit legend, make sure to let me know!
The general strategy of this deck is simple: you draw as many cards of your deck as you can and, if your deck is empty or if you have significantly less cards in it than your opponent, you combo Aviana+Kun+Togwaggle+Azalina, in that order. This will allow you to swap decks with your opponent, while gaining a copy of their hand, so you can ransom back in case he ransoms. Naturalizes are best used to clear big minions which are quite threatening, but if you happen to still have both your naturalizes and Togwaggle in your hand, that your deck is empty, that you have 10 mana (which is normally the case when you already have an empty deck) and that your opponent has 15 health or less, you can simply kill him by playing Togwaggle and then naturalizing two minions, which will deal 15 fatigue damage to him. Another important thing to know is that the first mentioned combo can be pulled of without Kun, but then you need an innervate instead, so you can go: Aviana+Togwaggle+Innervate+Azalina, in that order. I believe I have now covered the basics of this wonderfully fun-to-play deck, if you want to learn more about it, there are many deck explanations online to find, and a handful of Youtube videos to see, so you can get accustomed to it. Of course, the most important thing (as with any deck) is building up experience with it, by playing it a good amount of times. You might lose a bit in the beginning, but you should be able to decrease that number of losses the more you play. Enjoy!