Mogulock. The idea here is to use handlock as a shell to survive and outvalue your opponent until the late game where you surprise them with 1-2 Highkeeper Ra for an OTK. This deck only runs 5 two of’s to make use of Zephrys the Great and Dragonqueen Alexstrasza. When piloted correctly this deck should be good enough to reach rank 5 or better.
If I get 10 upvotes I will add a mulligan guide and a detailed description of card choices.
Add a mulligan guide!
How do you get 7 mogul cultists on board?
You’ll need the echo effect Glinda provides to play Mogu several times Ideally you’d need to draw her at a 1 cost from completing the quest. Else you’d need her to survive a turn. Then I’m guessing you’d need to save Grim Rally to get her off the board. Seems like cultist would lose echo at that point though? Maybe you have to Banker a Cultist earlier in the game to have the extra.
Ahh yes that would work though the odds of pulling it off seem pre low \_(-_-)_/