Not only is this deck extremely powerful due to its flex options, but its flex options are almost all at the 2 drop slot. This deck is a midrange/punch face deck, but keleseth just disrupts so much of its game plan, delaying giants by a turn since you usually want to drop kele on 2.
Opinions on adding Prince Keleseth in an Even Warlock Deck? Too slow? Never been done? Not necessary?
Defile is probably too important to cut for Keleseth. Not worth the +1/+1 on your already huge minions.
Not only is this deck extremely powerful due to its flex options, but its flex options are almost all at the 2 drop slot. This deck is a midrange/punch face deck, but keleseth just disrupts so much of its game plan, delaying giants by a turn since you usually want to drop kele on 2.