Eternal Basic + Classic Only Miracle Rogue
This is designed for nostalgia and fun; the deck will give you that old-school miracle feel and it will never “rotate” from standard. Concept revolves around a heavily anti-aggro miracle shell with the threats of huge stealth Questing Adventurers and Edwin. It is hard to play and there are multiple draw engines to consider; very satisfying to win with.
Good luck and have fun ~ Springtail
replacement for bloodmage thalnos?
Try a loot hoarder, gnomish inventor or cobalt geomancer – whichever works best with your play style out of those – I personally value the draw more
would sugest -1 deadly poision and +1 xaril
Reasoning for the xaril is that while deadly poison is effective, xaril can help create game winning combos as well as being a 3/2 body. Here are each toxins uses.
Fadeleaf toxin:give a friendly minion stealth until your next turn
This card can set up insane combos for the following turn.
Bloodthisle toxin: Return a friendly minion to your hand it costs two less
Can also set up next turn combos with malygos or auctionere mainly.
Briarthorn toxin: give a minion +3 attack
the weakest toxin for the deck but, can help kill a large minion or push for more damage
Kingsblood toxin: Draw a card
Draw in this deck is never a bad thing
Firebloom toxin: Deal 2 damage
synergises with spell damage and can help kill a minion plus, add a large amount of burst damage
I can certainly see the persective your taking and I agree the card is strong – totally can sub out what you’ve mentioned for it – I just was aiming at maximising early game control consistency with the above list thats all