General Mulligans
For mulligan, our goal is draw as many cards as possible until we find Guff and ramp. For doing that, we need armor, minion removal damage, and dredge (in case of our combo tools choose to remain bottom of the deck).
It’s all about survive until do your thing. When it’s done, you don’t have to do anything because eventually your opponent concedes or dies from fatigue. Combo is simple:
- Put Linecracker on the board
- Attack it with your both BEEEES!!!
- Then both Earthen Scales on Linecracker . You have 2,5k armor now.
Main goal is reach to your miracle mana scale as soon as possible. Min. 9 mana (If both Earthen Scales and BEEEES!!! cost reduces by Lifebinder's Gift) , max. 17 (If you cannot reduce any spell cost)
Cenarion Hold into Lifebinder's Gift and / or Nourish is a great way to both ramp and reducing costs.
Spreading Plague is your stopping tool for full enemy board. Also you can hover around the curve with Lunar Eclipse.