Miracle Flowers for Old Gods

Class: Rogue - Format: kraken - Type: combo - Season: season-36 - Style: ladder

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General Mulligans

One should survive in the beginning and fight for the board.

I’m thinking a sort of Midrange Miracle with two big panic buttons and fun value with Sherazin. Probably Sherazin won’t be good, but very pretty! Infested Tauren’s are there to help aggro matchup, and to provide some survivability after playing N’zoth and passing, but I am not sure it would work. What do you think? 

Edit: -1 Infested Tauren, +1 VanCleef. Of course.

Edit: I guess I could consider Mistress of Mixtures, I dunno what to pull though. Perhaps the Taurens are too slow? I’ll have to see next week!

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  1. Likefia
    March 27, 2017 at 2:38 PM

    Where is van’cleef ?

    • Buenaventura - Author
      March 28, 2017 at 2:19 AM

      Oh yes, Van’Cleff, well, personally I am looking at my dust budget for un’goro, and this is at the limit already ^___^’ I stupidly dusted Van’Cleff a while ago, and it feels bad man to craft it again. It is also a very boooring card IMO.

      But sure, i guess it should replace one of the Infested Taurens, I think you would get enough value out of N’Zoth anyway.