General Mulligans
I have listed the cards one should mulligan for in order from most important to least important.
Wild Growth sits at the top of the least because it helps the player accelerate their mana. More mana = faster one can pop off.
Summer Flowerchild is second because it helps the player draw the decks most important minions. Summer Flowerchild also helps with having a board presence early.
Aquatic Form allows the player some level of consistency. If Wild growth is not in hand turn 3, it allows the player to dig for it.
Prince Renathal does not get any better than being played on turn three, for this matter one should consider keeping him if he shows up in the starting hand. *He may clutter the hand later if not*
You might not like it, but this is what peak Druid looks like.
The deck has 3 major win conditions; Xal'atath, Astalor Bloodsworn, and Sire Denathrius.
In order to pull off any of the win conditions the deck must first play Topior the Shrubbagazzor. A 3/3 Whelp (w/ Rush) is summoned every time you play a nature spell. This allows you to clear the field while you “pop off” on your miracle turn. The following steps are needed to occur (in order) to succeed with this deck.
Step 1: Play Topior the Shrubbagazzor ASAP.
Step 2: Play Gadgetzan Auctioneer and then play all of your spells. This allows you to cycle through your deck and spawn 3/3 Whelps.
Step 3: Kill your opponent with any of the three win conditions.
The 3 win conditions can be achieved in several ways.
Xal'atath– This card can be played alongside Bloodmage Thalnos to quickly unleash a miasma of damage. Those two cards paired with Moonbeam x2 and Living Roots/Natural Causes x2 is roughly 20 points of damage to the enemy’s face.
Astalor Bloodsworn– This card is rather self explanatory. All that must be done is to play him until you reach his final form, Astalor, the Flamebringer, and play him on an empty board to deal 14 damage. Generally speaking he is enough to close the game out after the miracle pop off turn.
Sire Denathrius– Sire Denathrius functions as a secondary Astalor. He often grows even larger than him if he is drawn early. Drawing him early can be done efficiently with Summer Flowerchild. Once the pop off turn(s) have been executed, you can finish the game with Sire Denathrius.