The deck works like a charm i am currently 13-1 with this deck having a score of 6-0 vs tempo rogue only defeat was vs an aggro/tempo mage but i beat another one so i am not sure about this matchup yet, also works very good against other control decks because of the mill mechanic.
A quick note: plz play at least 10 games with the deck before you comment also you may need some help because this archetype (mill) requires a lot of experience a good reference video would be Kripp’s old video with mill tank druid(with justicar trueheart) i played that deck a lot and this upgraded version is stronger. I have a lot of experience with mill deck (warrior rogue etc) so i want to warn you this is NOT an easy to deck to play.
Why Tanglerfur mystic: he helps filling your opponents hand just like King Mukla’s banana’s but earlier in game and you also get a good body (3/4)
Why Forest Guide: This guy is awesome i play him on turn 4 and becuase of his high health he mostly survives 2 turns so he is like another coldlight oracle (Try play him in combination with spreading plague or sludge belcher)
Why Ironwood Golem or Tar Creeper: The objective of the deck is to stay alive long enought to mill your opponent to deck even if you never attack with Ironwood Golem/Tar Creeper its protects you early game from aggresive decks.
why Rotten Applebaum: strong body,taunt,restores life what else do you want 😛
Strong Combos: Brann+Coldlight Oracle , Poison Seeds+Starfall , Deathlord+Naturalize.
Quick Tips: Use wrath as a 3 damage, Use Grove Tender as draw a card, Play Forest guide on turn 4 if you can dont save him for later, dont waste your poison seed + starfall combo for 2-3 small minions you have a lot of taunters and spells that can deal with them.
I didnt play to write down a guide but this deck is awesome and fun to play especially if you are a fan of mill mechanic i hope you have and i would be gladly to help if you need anything.
At Last possible Subs(haven’t tried them but you can check them so see if you like mill mechanic at all:
-Brann Bronzebeard -Malfurion The Pestilent -2 Irowood Golem
+2 zombie chow or +2 doomsayer or +2 Tar Creeper or +2 unstable ghoul
as you can see early game survival is vital that why Zombie chow,Tar creeper and Doomsayer can be good tempo plays.
i you miss more cards like sludge or deathlord you can still sub them with some of the above or a cards that can help you survive more like Moon glade portal.
Thanks for trying my deck have fun 🙂
I played around 15 games with it and i fought against many Jade Druid, Mecha C’thun so i decided to add a Geist and remove a Ironwood Golem to remove Naturalize, Jade Idols.
I’m still testing but aggro is almost unwinnable