Mill Rogue (DECEMBER 2016, SEASON 33)

Class: Rogue - Format: kraken - Type: fatigue - Season: season-33

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Milling is sort of lost nowadays and I love the mechanic, so I revised the core elements of milling rogue post One Night in Karazhan expansion and made a few changes.

Additional notes:

-Be wise about when to play your Patient Assassin. This card brings a fear factor to the board and you’re probably gonna play it early (3-4 turn) only if you are dealing with Handlock or Renolock. Overall I consider this a middle to long term piece in order to suppress your opponent from playing expensive cards. The bigger the cards in your adversary’s hand the better; and there’s always Coldlight Oracle+Vanish value if he plays smaller creatures. The little guy is so cheap you can probably recast him.

-In most cases, you won’t even need Violet Illusionist. However, it may see some action when it comes to dealing with druids playing Jade Idol.

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