Control Mulligans
Dr. Boom's Anti Threats Cards.
(Fear the Mechanical Squirrel and it's deadly next-turn-magnetic friends.)
So I basically went back from my previous Mech Warrior, which was the very first deck that I made for Boomsday, and I took that idea and tried to back to square one with it, to make some improvements. And one thing that I’ve learned is that Security Rover is just a worse version of Stonehill Defender , since you need at least 2 Taunts for it’s work to be done. But if Blizzard printed a cheap 3-4 mana card for warrior that allowed the passive of taking damage to trigger twice, then maybe it would see some play, but I just don’t see it, it sounds too slow.
But anyways, i’m getting off-track. So, the idea of this deck is that Although it’s Midrange from the base of the deck, it can also stall long enough for late game turns, that Control-Style decks are comfortable into doing going for, but it still has enough Removal to survive through Control as well, such as Brawl for example. My only concern is the overhype of Dyn-o-matic, because Although it’s nice to deal 5 Damage to enemy minions for sure, I’m pretty certain that it’s is not a must have, even if it is 5 Mana deal 8 Damage if you used Dr.Boom.
I think having a Coppertail Imposter feels a lot more Impactful, since it has Stealth for one turn and that by it self is more annoying than Eluvise or Taunt at certain sencarios, and the only way it can be stopped is with AoE Removal, which is also really nice addition to think about. You can play naked as it is a 4 Mana 4/4, but it’s mostly used to prepare yourself to make a Big Mean Machine with your Magnetics to make a thick wall, or to be used as a Finisher, even though there are more Health then Power in these Magnetic cards for now.
I still like the idea a lot of calling Bull Dozer a Defensive Budget Grommash, and being able to deal 9 Damage with Mechanical Whelp with the help of Dr. Boom. They are both very usual for whenever I need to deal with big Threatening Minions, and they usually have around 8 Health or so.
Overall I’d Say I’m really happy with this Deck. It feels like a Jack-of-all Trades for me. It’s Cheap-ish, At the right balance of Not cheap but not Luxury Expensive either, and it’s pretty solid that has some tought. Sure I’ve only gotten 6 Magnetics in my deck, but i’d say that’s also enough for my cards to gain Combo with my other Mechs, and I’ve got some Removal, too.
Wouldn’t you think warpath would be good to put in here?