Midrange Shaman is one of the most dominant decks in the game, learn how-to pilot it with our Midrange Shaman Deck Guide for the Gadgetzan meta!
The Midrange Shaman deck list is currently one of the best in the game. Shaman has recently received a couple of nerfs to Rockbiter Weapon and Tuskarr Totemic, however, this deck is still very strong because Shaman still has a lot of very powerful cards. Midrange Shaman uses spells and the new Spirit Claws to control your opponent while amassing a powerful army of minions and totems. The deck can also power these totems up with Thunder Bluff Valiant.
Update – Midrange Shaman in December 2016, Season 33
It took a little while for people to come back around to Midrange Shaman in the Mean Streets of Gadgetzan meta. It’s now pretty apparent that Shaman is still one of the strongest classes in the game, and while the Aggro version might be stronger in certain matchups, Midrange Shaman remains a force to be reckon with. This more vanilla version of Midrange Shaman didn’t gain a lot, but Jinyu Waterspeaker is a nice addition to the deck that previously didn’t have any healing.
This deck is based off of Killinallday’s version.
Midrange Shaman Mulligan Guide and Strategy
Tunnel Trogg, Spirit Claws, and Totem Golem are the main targets of your mulligan. If you have a 1 or 2-drop you can keep cards like Flametongue Totem, or Feral Spirit, however, with Shaman you are always paying attention to overload so a hand with Totem Golem in it might not work with Feral Spirit. You can also consider keeping Bloodmage Thalnos if you already have Spirit Claws in your hand. Maelstrom Portal or Lightning Storm should be kept against Warlock Zoo or other minion based aggro decks.
Midrange Shaman Matchup Win Percentages
Here’s a look at how Midrange Shaman stacks up against other decks in the meta. Thanks to Metastats for allowing us to provide these statistics!
Winrate stats are currently unavailable for this deck at the moment!
Midrange Shaman Play Strategy
You will want to aggressively take the board early in the game with Tunnel Trogg, Totem Golem, and Spirit Claws. Shaman’s minions are generally above the stat curve, so you can make strong trades while maintaining the board. The key in the early game is not to overextend into obvious AOE situations. If you’re playing a Renolock then be aware of playing around Hellfire in the early game (they keep this against Shaman). This is also where you might consider using your Hero Power and generating a totem (which reduces Thing from Below‘s cost) instead of playing a minion.
More likely than not you will want to use Spirit Claws as removal. It’s best to save your minions from damage especially when you are worried about AOE. If you are playing against a Midrange or Control deck then you will want to more aggressively remove charges from your weapon because of Acidic Swamp Ooze]. This also means you need to be wary of just equipping and passing in the late game.
Once you’ve reached the mid-game you’ll be able to play stronger threats and utilize your board control to trade favorably. You will likely be able to play your Thing from Below for very little mana at this point. A card like Thunder Bluff Valiant can be very strong, but you should very rarely play it on turn-5 if you can help it. The card is far more often a 7-drop which allows you to get at least one Hero Power in before it is removed. This deck has a lot of spell power and AOE removal, so always be counting how much damage you can do to your opponent’s board with Maelstrom Portal and Lightning Storm. If you’re playing against a deck that doesn’t run a lot of minions you can more liberally use these cards against smaller boards.
Mana Tide Totem can be kind of a weird card, you generally want to try and protect it behind taunts like Feral Spirit and Thing from Below, but there’s times where you’ll want to get it on the board just to get a draw and reduce the cost of Thing From Below. It is also looked at as a “must” remove card, so you can potentially protect another minion by dropping this on the board.
You will be looking to finish the game with your board that is hopefully full of minions. This deck generally wins by pecking away at your opponent’s health while removing their threats. The deck does pack more burst now with the edition of Bloodlust and Al'Akir the Windlord.
Midrange Shaman Card Substitutions
Bloodmage Thalnos is super important in this deck and I would likely not play without it. It powers your AOE and gives Spirit Claws a buff when you need it. It’s an extremely versatile card that sees play in multiple decks, you should craft it!
- Tunnel Trogg: This is a pretty strong card and synergizes well with the other cards in the deck, but you can potentially use Argent Squire as a replacement.
- Barnes: A nice card to have, but not integral to the success of the deck. You can swap him out for another Feral Spirit.
- Al'Akir the Windlord: A strong finisher alongside a Flametongue Totem, but you could run Ragnaros the Firelord as another option.
Midrange Shaman Combos and Synergies
Thing from Below synergizes with all of your totems in the deck. Keep an eye on its cost, because there will be times you can squeeze another totem on the board while playing this simultaneously.
Remember that how you place your totems can be extremely important. You will want to place your larger minions on the left and your weaker ones to the right. This allows you to place your Flametongue Totem in a spot that can take advantage of your Hero Power totems that will always spawn on the right. You can then use these totems to make value trades.
I’m currently missing Thalnos, Jinyu Waterspeaker, thunder bluff valiant, and Al’akir.
I’m thinking of replacing Jinyu and Valiant with two Flamewreathed Faceless, Al’akir with Ragnaros, and Thalnos with something else (like Sylvanas maybe?)
It will still work…right?
By far the most consistent deck of the game! They need to review the shaman with these jade golem. The nerf had to be on Jade Claws.
The way it sounds is that there isn’t much of a difference between Al’Akir and Rag. I was thinking I’d craft Al’Akir for the flametongue synergy but would it be better to get Rag instead?
I’d rather have Ragnaros, it’s far more versatile and Al’Akir is not always required for Midrange Shaman.
Hi there, I’m pretty new to Hearthstone. Wondered if anyone could suggest where I can watch some videos of this deck in action?
Man, just go to web ! Last season Trump played a lot with that. You should teach by yourself because its not hard deck like Reno to play… Anyways goodluck.
In next month meta will slow down and it could be place to harison. This is also win condition with Renolock – Jaraxuss. Bloodlast isnt needed since Reno decks have big problem to deal with second totembuff and bloodlast with aggro is death. This means totembuff is good in every matchup but whatever you like
Even last meta deck is still good but ading 6 heal for 4 mana… + 3/6.
I don’t have alakir or rag. So what is the card i can replace for it?
1 more Feral Spirit or add 1 more taunt?
Yeah, I’d probably just try the Feral Spirit.
Hello, i want to be optimal and i swap
Barnes for harison
Alakir for ragnaros
Bloodlust for second thunder bluff vailant
do you think is good / better or i want to be optimal, it is better to copy paste the deck list?
Thx a lot for your answers
Harrison might be too slow for this meta, and I like Bloodlust in general more than the second Thunder Bluff.
Thx a lot
i have evry card exept bloodmage and wind lord any replacements?
Ragnaros for Windlord and Kobold Geomancer for Bloodmage.
Why barnes? and are there any good replacements for barnes?
Barnes has a good chance to pull out spell power which can be valuable. I’d probably just go second Feral Spirit.
I think Harison may by addition to this deck. -Barnes -Alakir +Harison +Rag.
This deck anyways is still gg. Ive cuted Kobold since it is realy slow and bloodlast for totem buff and 6/5. With Reno harison still the best.
I don’t have Harrison Jones and I am deciding between adding Acidic Swamp Ooze or Kobold Geomancer. Which one should I use? (I currently don’t have any Kobold Geomancer because I put 2 Thunder Bluff)
I’d probably go with Kobold, having a buffed Spirit Claws is pretty important.
Thanks for the quick reply, having Kobold has been working out great. Thanks!
Haha i jsut made it from 20 to 10 with 0 loss
I know that Bloodmage Thalnos is super important in this deck, but before I can craft him, is there any card that I could use as a temp?
Second Kobold.
Wat Can i replace spirit claws with?
Nothing really, it’s pretty important to this build. I mean I guess you could run Argent Squire temporarily.
Hi Evident, i say sorry in advance if i make some grammar mistakes but my english is a bit bad (i’m italian).
I would like to ask you a couple questions.
1: in this link you provided us (http://www.hearthstonetopdecks.com/blizzcon-top-8-hearthstone-world-championships-deck-lists-information/), only 1 deck uses Harrison Jones, so why do you suggest us to use him?
I don’t like him because even if there are a lot of weaps on the board, against some decks he’s still useless.
Anyway, why?
2: same for Feral Spirit; only one of those decks uses only 1, so why do you suggest us that choice of using only 1?
3: again, Kobold Geomancer, only few of those decks uses one, less than the half of them (actually 3).
I like Kobold and Argent Horserider because they help you a lot in the early game, but i’m not so sure to use them since they seems unused in those decks.
Aren’t those decks supposed to be the “best” since they come from the world championship?
If so, these two card shouldn’t be that good.
Anyway, last season (31) i used discard lock and i reached rank 4 (i missed one star and i was 3) for the first time, with this deck i’m barely 10, mostly 11/12.
I don’t like this deck much because if you start with a bad hand you’re pretty much dead, most of the times.
I also don’t like Barnes ’cause sometimes he summons tunnel trogg or fire elemental etc., and it’s just a waste of mana.
So, i’m using your list but i removed harrison, added 1 more feral and removed kobold, now i have 1 slot to fill, what should i put in it?
One more thunder bluff? one more fire elemental? Maybe Barnes even if i don’t like him (i also don’t like Bloodmage since he often dies but everyone use him, so…)? Or kobold or argent since i don’t like the fact that if i start with a bad mully i’m often dead? If so, why?
I’m not having a lot uf success with this deck and i keep changing my list, i want to find the “perfect”/most used/most efficient one but i can’t decide, so that’s why i’m asking these questions.
Thanks in advance and sorry for the confusion
Sorry, i meant Totem Golem* not Tunnel Trogg.
1. Harrison is better for ladder play because you’re running into a lot of Warrior, Hunter, and Shaman. I think a lot of the tournament players cut him because they realized Hunter was going to be played less and they were going to ban Shaman anyway.
2. Feral Spirit is better for ladder because there’s more Zoo and aggressive decks.
3. Kobold Geomancer is a more recent addition to the deck, it’s extremely important to get the most out of Spirit Claws and to power up your AOE.
The Top 8 are very good decks, but they aren’t always tech’d for the ladder. This version is more attuned for ladder play. This deck might struggle a bit because the meta revolves around countering midrange shaman. It’s still a very solid deck, you might have just hit a bad patch in your climb. I’d go with the second Fire Elemental, you have Bloodlust so you might not need the extra Thunder Bluff.
Bloodmage Thalnos is one of the best cards in the deck. It seems a lot of people are missing why he’s so strong. He buffs your Spirit Claws and your AOE, but also cycles for a card essentially costing you nothing. You would never play him (unless you really wanted a draw) without either casting a spell immediately afterwards or killing something with your Spirit Claws. Once it has served it’s purpose you would generally want it to die because you get a card back. It’s a Loot Hoarder and Kobold Geomancer wrapped into one, it’s very versatile.
I would try sticking with one list and just really learning how to play it. I would also try watching some videos/streams of people playing Midrange Shaman to get a better idea of some of the more advanced things you need to do with the deck.
Thanks for the fast answer (oh, and the for the list too of course), i will try to stick to this list then, but in case i’ll have no luck, do you suggest going back to discardlock, or maybe malygos druid or tempomage or some other decks are better than disc?
And if you don’t mind, another couple questions: if feral spirit is so important, why did you cut one?
And why no barnes anymore? And, i can understan -1 thunderbluff since there’s bloodlust (it makes me win a lot of games, i don’t know why some doesn’t have it), but why fire elemental exactly, instead of 2 ferals or maybe barnes or something else? I see it’s a powerful card, but i’m missing its role, it doesn’t seem to have a lot of sinergy.
All the decks you listed are really good decks, so I would just play the one you enjoy the most.
Feral Spirit is good, but the Overload can be problematic at times and really your only synergy card with overload is Tunnel Trogg. Plus, you have a lot of AOE removal so you don’t necessarily need the early taunts. Barnes can be hit and miss and there’s more dead pulls in this deck at the moment. Fire Elemental is an extremely good card at getting good trades, this deck is a lot about getting value and keeping board control. Fire Elemental allows you to remove a minion while developing one (it’s also damage with reach, e.g., can get passed a taunt). This is one of the best things a card can do in the game, it’s also why you see Blackwing Corruptor played in every Dragon deck.
Ok, thanks a lot!
No more questions ^^
Hey Evident, awesome deck. I tried to make a similar deck for my girlfriend. She’s currently sitting around rank 18. Can you take a loot at the deck ( http://www.hearthstonetopdecks.com/decks/midrange-shaman-24/ ) and give us a few tips what should we replace so she can hit atleast rank 15? Resources are limited, so any adventures are out of the question (saving for the new expansion). Thanks for your time
That looks pretty solid. Do you have Mana Tide Totem? I would play that over Loot Hoarder. I’d also maybe cut a Feral Spirit for Kobold Geomancer. You’d probably want two Geomancer’s since you are lacking Bloodmage and Spirit Claws are pretty important, but I’m not positive what I would cut. It’d likely be a Fire Elemental or a Thunder Bluff Valiant. I hope this helps!
Awesome, thank you so much for the quick reply
Also a quick question, when crafting a legendary, what would you suggest we craft first for this deck that would make a difference?
I would craft Ragnaros first, it’s probably the most used legendary right now. I would then craft Bloodmage Thalnos, it’s super versatile and is in a lot of decks (it’s really good in this deck). Harrison is more of a tech choice so I wouldn’t craft him until you have all of the best Classic set legendaries. I’d also be hesitant to craft too much right now with the new expansion coming out, some of these cards might not see the same amount of play soon.
Thanks for the tips
We were also thinking the same thinking about not crafting too much when the expansions is so close. Do you maybe have confirmation that the The Grand Tournament cards will rotate out?
TGT cards will rotate out next year once the new expansion after this one is released. So I would say you have like 3 – 4 months at least.
Do you mind telling us what are thos Classic set legendaries to have first? i already crafted ragnaros and thalnos but now i see this comment, what would you suggest?
Now that I think about it more, the only core (never rotating out of Standard) legendaries you really want right now are Ragnaros the Firelord and Bloodmage Thalnos. Grommash is good if you play Warrior, and Edwin VanCleef is needed for Rogue. Sylvanas is only really played in Control Warrior decks. Malygos is needed for Malygos Druid, and Antonidas is sometimes used in Tempo and Freeze Mage. Tirion is usually considered a must have, but Paladin is pretty bad and the cards it’s getting from Gadgetzan look pretty aggressive. Harrison is nice to have, but I’d wait and see what classes emerge from Mean Streets of Gadgetzan.
how come no Flamewreathed Faceless ??
It’s not that common in Midrange Shaman due to the Overload and the other high powered minions the deck has. Some lists run it, but most don’t. Take a look at the lists from the Hearthstone World Championship, only a couple of the decks have it and it’s a one of. http://www.hearthstonetopdecks.com/blizzcon-top-8-hearthstone-world-championships-deck-lists-information/
no faceless?
It’s just not necessary in Midrange, plus the overload cost is pretty tough to deal with.
If more than 80% of a deck is made up of the class cards and it’s at the top of the tiers, then you know some nerfing is needed
-1 Mana Tide, +1 Bloodlust. Works great so far, I’ve had multiple games end with Bloodlust lethal because of how easily the deck can populate the board.
I think -1 Harrison and +1 Ragnaros. Ragnaros will give you another win condition and can help you if you fall back late game. Its also going to help in those control matchups better than Harrison will.
I think harrison is good card draw though.
i think barnes since tuskarr nerf is pretty solid. -1 fire elemental +1 barnes for me..
Barnes in my opinion doesn’t help. He just ain’t good enough to warrant play outside of Deathrattle decks. He could be badass most of the times but there are times that you wished you just played a different tempo card than 2 vanilla bodies.
This deck feels much worse than pre nerf version .
I always find myself overloaded and can’t do much with my turn .
If you get good opening hand it works well but it’s not easy to come back after a bad start .
Harrison can be a major swing if you have it at the right moment. But, it just feels too tech for me most of the time and I already got a lot of card draw. Honestly, unless I’m dealing with a Gorehowl / Doomhammer nightmare scenario, there really isn’t that much out there that the rest of this deck can’t deal with or over power in the mid-game. For consistency, I’d rather a Sylvanas or shoot… throw in an earth elemental… that’ll soak up their weapon and some removal turn 5.
I took out one mana tide totem and threw rag in the mix. Works great, element of surprise!
any replacement for spirit claw?
You could try Argent Squire, but this deck is kind of built around Spirit Claws.
Thank you for not putting a thalnos replacement, he is so versatile. I get that a 1/1 legendary minion isn’t “Sexy”, but crafting it will change your lives I promise. He’s so good.
He almost always serves the same purpose as a Kobold Geomancer, except he’s better late game, but worse on T2 since he gets knocked out by hero powers. Honestly, I regret crafting him. He is completely unnecessary.
The deathrattle alone makes him more valuable than Kabold.
It’s not about the ability, it’s about the flexibility the card has, it allows u to either go for a card draw or the spell dmg, btw ur not supposed to play him on his own unless ur going for the card draw. From what u’ve said, I can see that ur a shit player probably not higher than rank 5
Extremely valid point, however name calling has no place here.
Dude chill out
Quote: ” Argent Horserider is another consideration and can be swapped in for Jones or Ragnaros the Firelord.”
Comparing Ragnaros with the Argent Horserider, what makes the Horserider a replacement for Ragnaros? I have thought about this for a long time but simply fail to see to logic here.
Can someone explain this to me please?
There is no real replacement for Ragnaros, so instead of trying to directly replace it you swap in something that’s useful in the deck.
What are the best replacements for Harrison?
Second Thunder Bluff Valiant.
Hi, can I replace Harrison Jones with an Ooze, maybe? I don’t have him. Or maybe a second Thunder Bluff?
How can I replace tunnel trogg…dont have the expansion…sylvanas or doomhammer?
I don’t know if you can play this deck without Tunnel Trogg. Maybe Gadgetzan Jouster could kind of work as a replacement.
Dust requirement?
4,600 dust.
What can i replace al kir
Doomhammer or second Thunder Bluff Valiant.
is ragnaros and sylvanas any good for this deck?
to replace harrison
Sylvanas might be okay, I’d consider a second Thunder Bluff Valiant.
Vlps updated his list for the meta: -1 Mana tide – 2 Flamewreathed faceless, + 1 Thunder Bluff Valiant + 2 Lightning Bolt :).
Where’d you see this update?
On his twitter on July the 5th
Evident can you help me find a good ladder deck?
Dragon Warrior is probably your best bet, but I’m not sure what cards you have. Here’s the list: http://www.hearthstonetopdecks.com/decks/raycs-rank-1-legend-dragon-warrior-july-2016-season-29/
Pretty much any Warrior deck is solid right now. Let me know what cards you have, and which class you’d like to play and I’ll try to help!
Rank 3-4 atm with this deck, not bad…
as a substitute for Harrison put what?
Second Thunder Bluff Valiant.
works fine for me. Rank 20 to rank 11. Thanks.
why 2 tiimes azure drake?
good for draw and also works well with lightning storm
Replacement for Al akir?
can i replace tunnel trogg?
Not really, it’s way too good.
What decks have a favourable matchup against Midrange Shaman?
Check out this chart: http://www.vicioussyndicate.com/matchup-chart-data-reaper-report-5/
Most Warrior decks and Zoo have good matchups against it.
Sylvanas, Acidic Swamp Ooze or Feral Spirit for Harrison replacement?
Don´t want to craft him, cause he´s to much meta depending
Feral Spirit.
What rank have you managed to hit with this deck?
This deck should hit legendary.
I recommend one more Lightning Storm, due shaman is extreamly weak against zoo-lock , and one Crazed Alchemist, agains other Shamans and Decks with Doomsayer.
lightning storm yes, crazed alchemist probably not, 2 situational and there’s almost no minions of ur own to target.
Also I really don’t get why argent squire is popular, sure it’s a good card overall and works great with flametongue but without it it’s not good enough to be in constructed (cept possibly zoo since it’s kinda sticky and minion count is paramount, even then it’s borderline), It functions roughly as a text less 1/3 or maybe 1/4. Primal fusion is pretty questionable. Unless u get to the late game and get in a stall with all 4 totems, usually u have to try to even get it to give +2/2 the fact that it’s usually 3rd or 4th turn or later that it can give 2/2 makes it not that great. Much better off with lightning bolt, lava burs, and sentinelt.
replacement for flame juggler?
Eternal Sentinel and a second Feral Spirit (or double Sentinel).
Feral and a master of evolution if you want to be cheap.
I like flame elemental. It helps get some extra damage in
I feel like we want a second copy of lightning storm due to meta
what is the natural swap?
Agree. one lightning storm is automatic lose to zoo
Hey, I’d like to ask why is this variant better than the Al’Akir one. I’m using Amnesiac’s Mid Range (with Al’Akir), and it is kind of hard some games to get a good turn 1 / 2, and I understand the differences in burst, I just wanted to know why I should prefer this one.
Amnesiac’s :http://www.hearthstonetopdecks.com/decks/amnesiacs-standard-midrange-shaman-may-2016/
They are very similar decks, this version is more aggressive, while the one you linked is more traditionally midrange. It just depends on your preference really, I made a guide for this one because I think it’s far more popular at the moment.
how about
-1 harrison
+1 sylvanas
That’s fine, you could also double up the Feral Spirit.
hey, this is more totem mid range.
do u recomend a nice midrange with alkair?
No, I recommend this deck if you want to play Midrange Shaman. If you want the al’akir version you can try this: http://www.hearthstonetopdecks.com/decks/devous-midrange-shaman-hearthstone-eu-spring-prelims-2016/
which one is better atm ?
Probably the version in this guide.
Possible doomhammer replacement?
Second Feral Spirit, but you reduce your win conditions.