Midrange Paladin is a deck that uses quality minions and weaponry to maintain board control and slowly erode the opponent’s health. The problem for Midrange Paladin is that it has no real burst potential and can only really win games in which it controls. Paladin, however, has one of the most dominating board clears in the game with its Equality into Consecration combination.
While the deck isn’t on the top of the tier list, it is still a very solid deck. Muster for Battle was a much needed addition to Paladin and pairs well with Knife Juggler and Quartermaster. Tirion Fordring is still the most powerful card in the game, and Lay on Hands is a great card to get you out of harms way and refill your hand.
Midrange Paladin Deck List Update – April 2016 (Season 25)
Secret Paladin has pretty much obliterated the popularity of this deck, but it’s still pretty strong, it’s just not top tier.
Midrange Paladin Mulligan Guide and Strategy
Zombie Chow, Shielded Minibot, Knife Juggler, and Muster for Battle are your general keeps. Aldor Peacekeeper can be kept to gain early tempo and is great against Control or a deck you know is playing Piloted Shredder. If you’re on the coin you can consider keeping Piloted Shredder, Coghammer, or Truesilver Champion.
Midrange Paladin Tech Cards
The deck kind of utilizes most tech cards in its core build. You will see many decks only run 1 Quartermaster because the card will not always find value. A second Equality is sometimes in the deck if you’re feeling defensive, and Kel'Thuzad has even been spotted from time to time.
Midrange Paladin Card Substitutions (Replacements)
Keep in mind that replacements for cards are rarely ever going to be perfect. It’s usually easiest to try and come close to what the card accomplishes, or double up an already existing card in the deck.
- Harrison Jones: Loatheb is a good option, or you can just add Acidic Swamp Ooze.
- Keeper of Uldaman: Blessing of Kings and Murloc Knight are decent replacements. A second Truesilver Champion also works here.
- Lay on Hands: Second Antique Healbot, or you can consider Solemn Vigil which works well with Muster for Battle.
- Sylvanas Windrunner: Loatheb again is a good option, you could also go with a second Equality, Quartermaster, or Truesilver Champion.
- Tirion Fordring: Sunwalker is kind of a direct replacement, but obviously much weaker. Tirion Fordring is arguably the best card in the game, so if you plan on playing Paladin I would strongly consider investing in it. Ragnaros the Firelord or Kel'Thuzad are other potential options.
Midrange Paladin Combos and Synergies
Equality and Consecration are a great combination for clearing boards. You can also pair Equality with Muster for Battle for an easy way to deal with an annoying minion.
Coghammer and any minion getting a free trade or two can instantly change the game. Imagine trading with Zombie Chow, and next turn dropping Coghammer to pick off another minion and getting another free trade with Zombie Chow. This combination can be devastating to aggressive decks.
Muster for Battle and Quartermaster is very strong, and you can sometimes pull this off early in the game if your opponent can’t immediately deal with your recruits.
Keeper of Uldaman is such a versatile card. It turns your innocent 1/1 recruit into an amazing trading machine, or it reduces a pesky large minion to Truesilver Champion size.
Hey guys! I run this deck with good succes, I cut Sylvanas for Justicar. But lately I really want to try to tech in Kel’Thuzad. What should I cut? The Justicar? Any advice? Thx in advance!
Yeah, you could cut the Justicar or maybe a Sludge Belcher.
way more usefull the loatheb from harison!!
I have crafted Justicar and I am trying a version more oriented to maximize the Truesilver recruits power. I have cutted one belcher for an other quartermaster and Sylvanas for making place to Justicar. And performing very good! Other thing. What do you think the new paladin cart from wishpers have plece in the deck? (In wild) I think I will run one instead of sanabot.
I’m not sure, it gets really punished by AOE and you don’t get the Weapon which was actually pretty important for Muster.
I was talking about forbbiding health, not about the 5 recruits one, I should have specied, it.
Oh sorry, I think the healing spell might not be as good as Lay on Hands.
Yes I agree. I would never cut Lay of Hands. I was thinking in -healthbot +forbbiding health. My doubt is if it would be better than sanabot in the restoring health rol. You loose the 3/3 minion but are able to restore more. What do you think? And about changing the owl for the braker in the slience rol? I think in a control deck you want a better body instead of a cheapper card, the only problem is that is harder to silent nerubian eggs vs zoo.
It’s so tough to speculate, I’m not sure if the healing card is actually good or not. Ironbeak Owl is usually used because it’s so cheap and allows you to play other things (or play it early), so I’m not sure Spellbreaker is the better choice. I think you have some valid reasoning, but I’d just have to wait and see how the expansion plays out.
Forbidden Healing is pretty bad IMO. if it doesn’t draw cards or effect the board it’s usually trash.
-1 Quarter + 1 Loatheb
-1 Knife Juggler +1 Justicar
What about replacing owl by breaker? I tried and I am performing good. You get essentialy an extra minion that at lest trades with something. In a control deck like this i think in general is a better silence. What do you think? And Other thing, Harrison is amazing in the current meta, is a very good countrer vs Shamman, also crushes Jaraxxus, that appers a lot in Renolock and crushes the Tryrion weapon. At least usefull vs warrior and rougue.
I like alex in my decks, wich card do you think should I change ?
I’d probably take Harrison Jones out for it.
Yeah i have Alex teched in a few of my decks.
Nothing is more satisfying when your opponent goes “Im Sorry” and drops Reno Jackson and you have Alexstrasza sitting in your hand.
Any substitute for z- chow? I really don’t like using that card.
What can i put instead of lay on hands?
Second Antique Healbot or Solemn Vigil.
Can you tell me why are you not running haunted creepers? I run two. I am looking to change my deck to climb more effectively so thanks for your answer.
Why not in this deck Justicar Trueheart ?? thank you for answer ..
I agree. why not Justicar Trueheart?? i love that card for paladin
I’m considering cutting the keepers for murloc Knights to try something new, but they are quite versatile but not quite enough to make them an auto include, maybe cutting one for a murloc knight or even second truesilver
Replacement for bgh I usually end up just sitting on. Him all game and want something a little more proactive
Second Truesilver could work.
Awesome deck! I had to replace Harrison Jones with Loatheb. 28-15 65% so far
a suggestion to replace sylvanas except trueheart
i already have instead of jones..thanks for the reply by the way!
From reading the description I would say go with Kel’Thuzad
What do you fink about adding a Enhance-o Mechano card to this deck ?
This is almost a control deck, I wouldn’t be looking to put burst combos in it.
I dunno…the deck seems to curve out well enough for it to have plenty of room for one burst combo… I’d say -1 Shredder for +1 enhance
Especially late game with quartermaster/muster combo…next turn drop enhance-o and enjoy the win.
Substitute for Keeper of Uldana?
Second Truesilver, and you can use Loatheb or Justicar if you have them. A cheaper option would be Murloc Knight.
Hey im rank 12 and i just got a black knight today.
I dont have Dr. Boom, Sylvanas and harrison.
I play Alexstrasza instead. Is it worth to play the Black Knight?
Thanks for your reply
I mean if you don’t have those other three cards then I think Black Knight is fine.
Ysera isn’t better than Sunwalker for replace Tirion?
That would work as well, but doesn’t protect you very well from burst.
Ysera fits the late game large threat aspect of tirion, but sunwalker has the burst protection. Your choice.
Replacement for harisson jones ? would loatheb fit in this deck ?
Yes, that works.
For faster board wipes drop the consecrations and add 2 Wild Pyromancers. Cost 4 mana instead of 6, Can be used anytime past turn 4. Especially against those fast aggro decks.
I replaced -1 Antique Healbot -1 Knife Juggler | +1 Quartermaster +1 Justicar
I might readd Antique healbot and cut a sludgebutcher. Not sure yet.
Overall, this deck works like a charm.
I have everything except harrison jones, should I replace it with justicar or maybe loatheb? One seems to have more sinergy but the other stays on curve, uhm…
I personally like Loatheb, but either choice is good.
Wow Paladins are so ridiculously easy to play. I just went 13-1 with this deck and overall 23-4 with my other secret pally deck. And it is still my first week playing a paladin. This is so easy and fun. No wonder everyone plays paladins. How do you lose with a paladin? I am unskilled at this game, but so easy right now! lol
I lose to freeze mage quite often.. I wish there was a definite way to counter it
Right now I have Loatheb instead of Jones.
Well, Kezan Mystic is an option if you really want to counter it.
what can i replace harrison jones with
dont worry just read the same question
Missing Sylvanas, BGH, Quartermaster, Coghammer, Harrison and Keeper, is it even worth trying to make this sort of deck work without them?
It would be tough, but I think you could somewhat fill in those gaps. Loatheb, second Equality, Piloted Sky Golem, Murloc Knight, second Truesilver Champion are some of the cards that could make up for those.
I have all those except a Piloted Sky Golem, would something like Sunwalker or Ragnaros fill a similar role?
I would probably go Ragnaros, but if you’re facing a lot of aggro Sunwalker would be better.
Ugh, my friend sold my Sylvanas… feels TERRIBLE crafting a legendary you sold. I only have 1 Quartermaster atm, so I might just go for the 1 quartermaster version.
You need both :^)
Evident Sir!
Hey. First of all, wonderful website you got here…its so simple and good looking. Great job!
I think most players would agree that double keepers of uldaman should be put in this deck now?
That’s probably true, but I’m waiting for the meta to shake out a bit longer to update the meta decks. Thanks!
What’s decks are top tier?
Midrange and Secret Paladin, Freeze Mage, Reno Handlock, Warlock Zoo, Malygos Warlock, and Midrange Druid. There’s more and the order of the decks are arguable.
Ah thanks sir, I appreciate your quick replies
Whats your opinion on Emperor in the deck, i mostly like it for turn 7 Tirion and the possibility of 10 mana Dr. 7 Consecration
The deck is probably slow enough for it, but I don’t see it played very often.
Thanks for the reply. I rarely see it played in midrange pally too, which is a shame because i feel it could be an excellent addition.
So my question is , is it still worth to play this deck and what are the most importants cards(1st to craft)
Yes, Midrange Paladin is very strong right now. I’m not sure what you need, but a general order would be Dr. Boom then Tirion. I would hold off on Harrison as that’s more of a meta call.
sorry to writhe this here Evident but is there a way to somehow register to this website? i’d really like to!
Woohoo! can’t wait!
instead of running coghammer im running the one weapon when you playa minion it gives +1+1, is it good replacement or shoul i really craft coghammer?
Coghammer can be really good, but I wouldn’t necessarily craft it right away. I’d try the deck without it and see how you like it.
hello, is 2 quartermaster necessary? I’m running -1 + sylvanas.
Also any replacement for coghammer or is it necessary? I’m thinking of craft a coghammer + lay on hands, or lay on hands + another quartermaster. Thanks!
Quartermaster is dependent on the meta. The card can be rather slow at times and clog up your hand. Coghammer is very strong, so I would try to keep that in the deck.
have all the cards except the legendery cards
Sorry to put you through all the troubles of answering my Druid questions, but I’ve found my favorite deck by far. Midrange Paladin is a strong, and amazingly consistent deck. Happy I gave it a go.
what can I take out for justicar true heart?
Harrison Jones probably.
What could be replaced for coghammer?
Loatheb, Sylvanas, or second Murloc Knight.
I do not have lay on hands just yet, what would be a suitable replace? i was thinking a guardian of kings, but i was skeptical
I think that’s a reasonable replacement.
Can I replace Boom with Ragnaros?
And what can use instead of one Quartermaster?
You can replace Boom with Ragnaros, and I would go second Murloc Knight for Quartermaster.
i am buying 90 packs will that get me this deck?
I think you’d be close, but you would also need Naxxramas for Zombie Chow.
I have 1600 dust. What I do?
1 tirion ou 2 quartermaster and 1 lay of hands?
I would go for quatermasters and lay of hands. You can swap out Tirion with sunwalker for now
I really think the tirion is just soooo good. It’s possible to get the other cards easier.
Is it viable to swap 1 zombie chow for an extra ironbeak?
If you aren’t playing a lot of aggro you could get away with that.
i love this deck is very very strong value total and nice control
Agree. Very balanced. Very few bad draws. Lots of synergies.
replace for Harrison?
What about for Quartermaster?
Second Murloc Knight and a Sylvanas or Loatheb. Quartermaster is a pretty big deal in this deck, you might find the deck not performing well without it.
I really disagree to that as i went 10-2 without any QM or LOH.
In which in place of Harrison Jones and Tirion Fordring?
Harrison you can add Loatheb. Tirion you can put in Sunwalker.
No Justicar Trueheart in the update?
It’s on the edge of being in the deck. If you wanted to add it you could cut a Sludge Belcher.
Or a Quartermaster seems better in the meta right now. (I think.) In the end I love this deck because you can change it till it fits your playstyle!
I feel like this is actually one of he strongest classes in the meta, outclassed only by patron, and not 100% of the time. It’s a value deck that’s only shortcoming is its lack of card draw, but with efface t minions you’ll find you don’t run out of cards easily.
I’ve actually taken to running Bolvar in my Pali for a little flavor instead of blessing, just one more treat to be dealt with, to ‘distract’ or draw out removal for your real end game: Tirion.
Thanks for reading, happy playing!
That’s actually the same change I did for the exactly same reason, and sometimes I onehitted with Bolvar (Muster OP stacking), while I was playing more value creatures like Shredders, Belchers or even Sylv. I got to rank 4 not playing a lot, so maybe someone can reach legend with it ;3