Warrior was the class I was the most sceptical of having a Mech Deck out of the 3 classes getting Magnetic support due to how weak Beryllium Nullifier appears however Dyn-o-matic, Eternium Rover and Omega Assembly the deck looks like it could fend off Aggro and generate late game power to deal with Control decks.
Curving Upgradeable Framebot into Bronze Gatekeeper is a powerful combo, making a 2/10 taunt to deal with the pesky Aggro decks. You can also slap a Replicating Menace on top to make it a 5/11 Taunt deathrattle summon 3 1/1’s
Wargear and Zilliax are powerful Midrange Minion threats that threaten to end the game when put on a mech
Dr Boom, Gorehowl and Lich King are late game finisher cards to beat up Midrange and Control
Weaponized Pinata is for fun and value since this deck lacks card generation other than Omega Assembly