This deck is likely obsolete due to the Ancient of Lore, Keeper of the Grove, and Force of Nature nerfs. It is going to be kept here as a historical Hearthstone reference!
Fast Druid implies that your gameplan is to get your opponent to 14 as quickly as possible to destroy them with the Force of Nature into Savage Roar combo. Fast Druid also implies that you are running 2 Savage Roar and 2 Force of Nature. If you’re running 1 Force of Nature that generally just means you are playing Midrange Druid.
The deck uses a lot of minions that will stick to the board even after you destroy them. Piloted Shredder, Sludge Belcher, and Dr. Boom are all minions that leave something behind upon death. Shade of Naxxramas is a card not seen in other decks, but is a staple of Druid because of its ability to grow and be buffed by a potential Savage Roar.
The weakness of the deck is poor removal. Swipe is a good AOE, but unless you can pair it with Spell Power it is likely only going to take out a single minion. This is why Druid will run Mind Control Tech because not only does it punish a board of 4 or more minions, it also forces your opponent to play around it.
Midrange Druid Deck List Update – April 2016 (Season 25)
A lot of decks have cut Shade of Naxxramas in favor of Darnassus Aspirant and Mind Control Tech.
Midrange Druid Mulligan Guide and Strategy
Wild Growth, Innervate, and Living Roots are your first priority. If you have one of the ramp options in your opening hand then you can keep something like Piloted Shredder to play on turn two or three depending on what you have. Innervate into Keeper of the Grove is great for taking out early aggression, so keep Keeper against aggro decks. Wrath is also a good option against aggro. Shade of Naxxramas should likely be kept, this is especially the case if you already have Wild Growth or Innervate.
Midrange Fast Druid Tech Cards
Cenarius has seen play in the deck, but that generally revolves around the version without double combo. Mind Control Tech goes in and out of the deck. Harrison Jones is always a consideration to beat those pesky Weapon based classes.
Midrange Druid Card Substitutions (Replacements)
Keep in mind that replacements for cards are rarely ever going to be perfect. It’s usually easiest to try and come close to what the card accomplishes, or double up an already existing card in the deck.
- Emperor Thaurissan: This is a card you probably need, but you could potentially get away with running Sylvanas Windrunner. A potentially cheaper option is Savage Combatant, but this card has largely been cut from Midrange Druid decks.
- Ancient of Lore: This is such a good card, but you could MAYBE get away with playing one and a Nourish. You would likely never want to play double Nourish. One Ancient of War is also an option.
- Dr. Boom: Ragnaros the Firelord is an option, but Dr. Boom and his Boom Bots have great synergy with Savage Roar. You could also use Ancient of War which pops up in the deck from time to time.
Midrange Druid Combos and Synergies
Innervate and most minions is a great combination. It just provides such a huge swing, that it’s hard for most decks to deal with. Turn 5 Dr. Boom? Yes, please. Innervate also enables a potential Force of Nature into double Savage Roar for a 22 damage combo.
I don’t know that there’s anything left to say about Force of Nature and Savage Roar. It’s a devastating combination that has made many Hearthstone players seethe with rage. These cards can also be used to clear problematic boards, but this should be only used in more dire situations.
Azure Drake is super strong with cards like Swipe and Wrath. Swipe becomes a total board clearer, and Wrath can be used to deal 2-damage and draw a card. It also works with Living Roots to increase it to a 3-damage spell. Just keep in mind that you don’t get an extra minion from Living Roots with +Spell Damage.
THE MASTER COMBO in this deck is death! :’v
Is this deck going to try to continue existing after the nerfs Hearthstone is putting in place?
It depends on how the rest of the expansion looks like, but it will likely move towards Ramp.
Just out of curiosity, why use ancient or lore over ancient of war?
This is a faster deck and Ancient of War is a slower card. Ancient of Lore is mainly to help you draw into your combo pieces or minions to finish the game.
i use cenarius and no lotheb, are one good change ?
Cenarius is a bit too slow for this deck. Loatheb can protect your board and lead into a combo very nicely. Cenarius is good in Ramp Druid:
Is it just me or does this deck not have enervate? FAIL!!!
It’s the first two cards under “Class”.
How can i replace one ancient of lore and bgh?
Nourish and maybe second Mind Control Tech. You could also try a Darnassus Aspirant.
replacement for loatheb?
Mind Control Tech.
Mounted Raptor or Harvest Golem.
-1 Azure + 1 Harrison
I think it too, but magic power is very useful, Living Roots, Swipe, Wrath… So – 1 Living Roots + 1 Harrison
I don’t have Dr. Boom or Ragnos, what do you guys think of Baron Geddon as a sub?
I would go with Ancient of War. Baron Geddon can be a pretty awkward drop if you’ve got any type of board.
+ 1 thalnos – 1 drake?
Why would you want Thalnos over Drake?
This Deck absolutely blows against aggro any suggestions or tips
This Deck is hilarious
I got Legend with it today!
The only thing that stops it are those fucking secret paladins I was facing quite often.
But now after more than 30 games it got me from Rank 1 to Legend.
None of the Other Decks i tried out were consistent enough (with my lack of luck) to get pass Rank 1
Thanks Hearthpawn!
Oops xD Ofc i meant Hearthstonetopdecks.. fail on my side
lol FeelsBadMan
Any room for Sylvanas and Cenarius? Spent allot of dust and didn’t want to waste, also spent on darnarrious but i can cry less about that. Sorry for the card names.
plus i found kel’ can be a win condition sometimes, soooo
Yes, you can fit those cards in but the deck becomes a bit slower. You can cut a (1) Force of Nature, Emperor Thaurissan, or Loatheb depending on what you value in the deck. Kel’thuzad is another reasonable choice for one of the cards I mentioned.
If you own all the cards you should definetly use it as it is.
It’s soo strong
I had to take out some stuff to add both darnarrisous or however you spell it. Gives you a mana crystal plus puts potential turn one pressure to get rid or it asap.
I really like this deck, even though it can be frustrating when you don’t get your pieces of the combo or can’t play before turn 4.
I swiped one shade for MC tech, I think it makes the match up against secret pally a bit better (if have 2 creatures and play dr6, he ends with 4 creatures and often you get a good one, dr6 or one buffed). Against Zoo it helps a bit but not so (when you steal a 1-1 you can cry).
Good work as always Evident
Toughest matchup is probably zoolock, is there a way to tilt the favor some i just seem to be a card or two short most times.
only have one force of nature and dont have BGH
Ancient of War and Mind Control Tech are options.
I’ve replaced one FoN for Dark Wispers. Same cost and he outcame its nearly the same.
I dont have ancient of lore, BGH, thaurissian and dr boom :'(
Yeah, I would try another deck if you don’t have Ancient of Lore yet.
Loatheb it’s realy beater than Sylvanas?
Sorry for grammatical mistakes
Yes, Loatheb will generally guarantee 5 points of damage which is important in a deck that’s trying to get its opponent into combo range. It also potentially protects you from getting combo’d yourself.
Is running both dr boom and rag too much?
And Darnassus or MC Tech?
Rag would be better in a more Ramp heavy deck with Ancient of War. This deck is more about getting your opponent to 14 and using the combo on them. Darnassus is okay if you don’t have MC Tech.
I’m not a huge fan of cutting the Aspirants. It is very true that most of the time it dies, but even then your opponent spent their turn one-for-one(ing) you and it’s kind of a no harm no foul scenario.
I guess it depends on your playstyle. I’m more of a “make them have it” type of player, so I suppose there’s no right or wrong answer.
one main reason I found for keeping the aspirants out is how bad it is to draw one late game
I would like you all to really ponder this one before replying to me that I should just disenchant the card. this deck has fairly poor removal, and taunts can especially give it a hard time (I’m looking at you Sludge Belcher). Additionally, you start with a few weak minions, or minions that have to drop of their health points quickly because of attacks. In light of this, I think that Tinkmaster Overspark has a spot in the deck where a Druid of the Claw would normally go. He’ll buff your 1/1 saplings about 50% of the time, and wreck your opponent’s loan oppressively powerful minions (Cough, Tirion Fordring). Just think about it.
I’m having trouble vs mage decks, tempo mech and freeze mage, my win rate vs those decks is pretty low. Anything I can do to curve this? I’m not really having problems vs any other deck.
Replace for shade?
Mounted Raptor or Harvest Golem. You could also just add Darnassus Aspirant.
I ma trying to build this deck without having to disenchant all of my cards right now. Can I run Megkineer Thermaplugg for one of the Ancients of Lore and Onyxia for Dr. Boom? Everything else I either have or am happy to craft.
Those don’t sound too bad, but if you really plan on playing Druid, I would make sure to craft Ancient of Lore asap.
I already have one. I am just working up to the second.
Just finished dealing over thirty damage in one round with Onyxia. Poor priest didn’t topdeck Holy Blast.
DIsenchant Megkineer immediately, one of the worst cards out there. I would dust Onyxia too lol
I’ll give you that Megkineer may not be one of the best cards (especially after raid leader got nerfed), but actually, you’re right. He is basically useless now that I think about it. Onyxia, however, is rather fun to crush people with.
replacements for shades of naxx?
Harvest Golem for a cheap replacement, or Mounted Raptor.
Hey Guys,
I am quite new to Hearthstone. I have 2 Druid of the Sabers. Should I not include that in my deck?
Probably not in this deck list, but you could try Aggro Druid which has them:
Oh! Thanks!
In the current meta how can this deck reach legend? Im always getting rekt by those annoying secret pallys
double bgh lol
What about replacing dr. boom with The Beast ?
I would argue against this:
Boom supplies you two bots that sometimes completely hold the board for you, or even hit your opponents face for game winning amounts. This means that beyond the 7/7 body you summon, that is most likely bound to just get bgh’d most of the time, provided some benefit for you instead of just being a turn 7 that turned the tempo of the game on yourself.
The Beast would come out only a turn earlier, and have 2 more attack. It’s his setback that ruins him as an option: as midrange druid, you are actually playing semi aggressively – somewhere in the middle of getting in enough damage and knowing the damage you can’t take; the board is EXTREMELY important, giving away a 3/3 can be too detrimental to your board state: especially if your 9/7 just got bgh’d!
I would advise against it, why not disenchant the card and start saving up for some of the better legendaries ?
What is good replacement for Emperor?
Loatheb or second Azure Drake.
Replaced Shades with 2x Mounted Raptors and Savage Combatant and Ancient of War for a second Azure Drake and and a Loatheb.
Been working so far.
Replacement for shades of naxxramas?
Mounted Raptor if you have it, or you could try Harvest Golem.
ok thanks, now only card I´m missing is doctor boom … any advice here ?
Ragnaros or second Ancient of War. A cheaper option could be a second Azure Drake.
I was thinking about Illidan …
That’s a pretty bad card unfortunately. If you’re playing in the ranks around 25 – 15 you can probably get away with using Illidan, but if you are playing more seriously then I would advise against it.
Alright, thanky you very much, but still one question bothers me … how far can this deck get in the ladder ?
This deck can go to legend, it’s one of the best decks on the ladder.
OMG this pack is awesome, I´m totaly anhillating my opponents !!! Thanks man for doing this deck !!!
Do you think Sylvannas would be better in this deck than savage combatant? with combatant you have to commit to getting value out of it by consistently using your hero power, and to be honesy, the druid much more prefers to play tempo minons rather than use its hero power and maybe a smaller minion, i think sylvannas is a better fit to the deck becasue it has immediate affect on the board, and forces the opponent to deal with it where as savage combatant only gets value if you consistently use your hero power, which is something as a druid i find myself rarely doing, usually playing minons.
I think it would be fine.
To me, this is the proper list because a 4 mana 5/4 is not sticky in the slightest, it doesn’t really provide much pressure, and it honestly is only good on turns that you have to waste an innervate on a hero power or wait until turn 6. Sylvanas is a straight up good 6 drop that majorly disrupts the board, and oftentimes i find her being left alone, or causing the opponent to trade very awkwardly to come out in a decent position afterwards. The 4 drop doesn’t even curve out well: often times you will find yourself going shredder/keeper into Azure/Druid into Thaurissan or some weird 4 drop with your hero power: Sylvanas gives you another nice minion to curve out into.
What would you take out for harrison jones in this deck?
You could take out the Savage Combatant.
So i took out one of the shades and the savage combantants for 2 living roots, i just love that card so dang much i couldnt like not see it in this deck.
How is Cenarius in this deck? I know a lot of people don’t like/include him, but I think he’s cool. Is it alright to include him? If I do, what would I take out?
I don’t think he’s that good in this deck, but you could take out Ancient of War if you wanted to add him.
can ramp druid reach legend ranks?
Probably, but it might be a bit slow for the meta.
what I meant was can I add another late game legendary for control matchups and I so witch one?
I would try Ramp Druid if you want to do that. This deck does well against control already.
do you think that hybrid druid would still work in this meta?
I guess it depends on what you mean by hybrid druid. This deck list and aggro druid are very strong right now, so most druid variants that have the standard midrange shell are going to be solid.
replace of ancient of war and 1x force of nature?
Second Azure Drake and Loatheb.
As the meta is shifting, I”m trying to figure out what deck I enjoy and that I can win efficiently with. As of now, Secrets Paladin is the one I’m playing, but it feels less skill-intensive than I enjoy. Druid looks really good in this meta, I’m thinking it might even beat Secrets Pally. Question is:
Is Aggro Druid or Midrange Druid better?
Aggro Druid is good against Secret Paladin. I personally think it’s a pretty solid deck, but if you don’t have the Fel Reavers then I would just play Midrange Druid.
What do you think about:
-1 Savage Combatant / +1 Azure Drake
-1 Ancient of War / +1 Loatheb or Harrison Jones
Savage Combatant has been underwhelming me, and AoW seems kind of slow for this deck, but I could be wrong. Thoughts much appreciated. I’m relative newb, trying to push past rank 10 in my first full month here.
Sounds reasonable, I’ve seen lists like that in the past.
EPIC! I’m building the deck right now, and am enjoying it a lot! While I play casually, I still want to win my games, but not in a totally cheap way. This is the way to do it! Thanks, but any advice to someone who is building the deck? What are the core, most irreplaceable cards?
Ancient of Lore is probably the most irreplaceable. You can live with one Force of Nature and replace it with an Azure Drake until you get the second.
Prior to playing Druid, I sold all my cards for him, like an idiot :(. I have all the basic cards along with 1 Druid of the Claw, 1 Azure Drake and 2 Piloted Shredders. Should I get some rares/commons first, or just save up for Ancient of Lore. And why is AoL irreplaceable? It’s Ancient of War really good aswell?
It’s generally best not to create rares and commons because you should get those in packs. I’d save for AoL, and play Arena and do Quests for the rares and commons. Ancient of War is a good wall against more aggressive decks, but it goes in and out of the deck so it’s not essential.
AoL is irreplaceable because Druid can run out of cards quickly when using things like Innervate and Wild Growth. Often by turn 7 you are down to a couple of cards, and AoL usually gives you the gas to finish the game. It is also extremely versatile because of the healing, which can save you a turn which can be all you need with a combo deck.
Thanks :). I was lost a couple games yesterday, but then I just went on this GIGANTIC win streak (lol, 13 wins :D).
Hey Evident, I was just poking around the site, and I just wanted to ask you a question. Do you consider this deck, overall, better than Midrange Hunter?
Overall I’d say Druid is the better deck right now, but that could change after the Warsong Commander nerf. Check out this link for a matchup chart:
Alright, thanks for the chart. Since Patron warrior won’t be viable anymore, doesn’t that work in Secrets Paladin’s and Midrange Druid’s favor. And, would you consider this better than Secrets Paladin, since I’m debating about those two. Can’t make up my mind xD.
And, sorry if I annoy you, I just ask a lot of questions xD.
No worries, I don’t mind the questions!
Secret Paladin is for sure going to see an increase in play. I would expect that we’re going to see a lot of decks actively trying to counter it on the ladder. You’ll see more anti-aggro decks, so decks like Dragon Priest might pick up in popularity (which Druid also has a bad matchup against). It’s hard to say what’s better, Midrange Druid has been around for so long that I would generally opt for that deck because it’s a safer pick.
So, an increase in counters for Secrets Pally and bad matchups for Midrange Druid? I mean, I’m not exactly sure, but I might go for Secrets Paladin. I don’t play high on the ladder, just Rank 10-20. Would it be a bad choice to go Secrets Pally?
I think it’s a fine choice for that area of Ranked.
I’ll try to keep this as the last question. I just opened two packs, and I just got 2 King Krushes (1 in each pack). I’ll sell one, but, should I sell the other as well? I thought it was not that good of a legendary?
It’s a Legendary that you can safely dust. It’s a fun legendary, but it has never been used very much.
Wouldn’t it be better to trade the combatant for Loatheb?
Combatent gives you a Fire War Axe every turn, you can try something like -1 War or -1 Wild Growth and take Loatheb in
I’ve change it for another Ancient of War, works great. Have a ~70% win rate so far
Actually I found Antique Healbot as nice substitution of 5-cost minion to get some sustain and hold the game till you’ve got enaugh crystals to do the trick
Wow, this deck is amazing. Was at rank 20 with Druid, and horrible deck,but high arcane dust. Made a few cards, and replaced Shade with Druid of the Flame and BOOM rank 10. Now I hope the shades will get me higher.
replace for shade of naxx ?
Not too many 3-drops that are good in druid so i’m not sure. If you want a direct replacement with stealth, you can try gilblin stalker or druid of the saber, both of which are two drops but they still work.
The really old school replacement for Shade (or rather, what was replaced by Shade) is Harvest Golem, but it probably isn’t great anymore. I’d say if you have some TGT cards, try Darnassus Aspirants or one Darnassus and one Savage Combatant. Those both seem like strong additions in my experience.
There is a ogre brute version in the Asia server,
The main idea is to ramp up and control the board ASAP.
I’ve found a good bit of decks posted here nowadays arent too viable. They need to screen these.
How is this deck not playable? Decks that are experimental and might not be ladder viable are listed that way.
The only decks played more by pros are again Patron and Handlock. This deck is beast, you’re gonna lose if you don’t understand win conditions via the combo. It’s very “playable”
Yeah, I started the new season and got to rank 10 with hardly any losses. The combo is the heart of this class, and it’s amazing.
not working at all
Get gud.
2 Dr Boom is not a insane tech ? hahahahahah -1 Dr Boom, -1 Drake for 1 Harrison and 1 Kezan, in this meta…
Fixed, thanks!