Aggro Mulligans
Against aggro like all other matchups you will want your early minions like squire, jugger, and faerie dragon, but u will also want your more reactive cards like both your weapons to deal with your opponents minions, and you will also want consecration (also think about the mulligan when you face different classes and what you would need against different ones, i.e. against shaman keep aldor peacekeeper for their 4 mana 7/7)Midrange Mulligans
This is pretty much like the aggro matchup, you will want to get on board as aggressively as possible and keep their side clear, and you keep drake only if you have a lot of your early cards, because you will be quickly finding your hand empty in that situation, and that is a major weakness of this deck.
Control Mulligans
You as usual will want your early game, but in addition to that you will want truesilver, aldor, and keeper of uldaman, to deal with their beefier minions.
Dragon Pally is a deck that has been experimented with since the release of Blackrock Mountain, but it has never found success… until now! The main issue with most other dragon paladins is that they are too focused on the late game, and the meta was just overrun by faster decks. This version is a more midrange-y deck and in a meta that Dragon Warrior can be at the top of, this deck can thrive. In the early game you look for your early game (duh!) and try to curve out into your heavy late game with your crushers two rags and tirion.
What rank are you playing this deck? I feel this list is a little top heavy how has it worked out for you? Do you think instead of juggler will you try the new discover a dragon card.
At the beginning of the season i was playing this at rank 14 (like literally the day after the reset) and it’s very viable. I don’t feel it’s too top heavy u just need to mulligan for your early game and the historian like book wrym is meant for slower dragon decks and i won’t try them in this on however in place of juggler I’ll b trying the new 3 mana paladin card which summons 2 whelps