Can this be competitive on the next expansion? It has a lot of value and synergies.
Hydrologist has been added for the insane value of discovering Noble Sacrifice to combo with Steward of Darkshire.
On empty board, Selfless Hero loses all the potential but I do think that it is a great inclusion to the deck when played behind a taunt, which it is one of the themes of this deck.
Overall a value deck with a lot of resilient minions, which will work perfectly against aggro.
What are your thoughts? Can this archetype become a ladder deck on the next expansion?
Gotta include some card draw somewhere. Or at least some card generators
Not sure about the wild pyromancers and the 2 light’s sorrow, I would try to include Truesilver Champion and Sunkeeper Tarim, they are just too good not to include.
I thought Light’s Sorrow had a passive effect so it would be much better than Truesilver. You’re right on two Pyromancers, was thinking the same but I went the budget way.