General Mulligans
Base these picks depending on what your playing against as well as coin. If you are playing against aggro keep any early game. If control keep a few 3 drops to get you a board presence.
Hey guys!
Welcome to another fun deck I have created. Midrange C’thun Zoo is based off the old Midrange Demon Zoo deck instead of using Mal’Ganis as a key pusher or holder we use C’Thun. It curves just like a Midrange deck with a great early game and great mid game but will struggle in the end game but thats why C'Thun is there as well as your Dr.Boom will be replaced with Twin Emperor Vek'lor . This deck is still in the tweaking phase so bare with me but so far I am currently holding a 65% win ratio with this list and adjusting based on the amount of shaman decks and or warrior decks.
Have Fun and Good Luck!
Update 1.0
-1 Forbidden Ritual +1 Flame Imp and -1 Darkshire Councilman +1 Brann Bronzebeard
I’ve tested the waters with both of them I found Flame Imp can have more of a value on board then Forbidden Ritual due to the wait time for the Ritual and Brann Bronzebeard Syncs well with the C’thun synergy and sense we did take out a Ritual we wont need a Darkshire Councilman as much however you can trade out with Twilight Elder instead of Councilman. Both have and equal value in this deck.
I don’t have a Twin Emp, nor the dust to craft right now, what is the best replacement, and if replaced should Brann stay in the deck?
Not a problem I would recommend Crazed Warshipper for the taunt and another c’thun boost however I can also recommend Doomguard as well for another pushing minion to help finish the game and brann I found no matter what to be really strong in this deck now due to all the battlecry effects it can have.
Any room for Jenkins? With the two POs and Abusive’s (plus anything from the peddlers), the burst potential is real.
If you where to use Jenkins Id recommend taking out a usher for souls to balance your curve out but your c’thun will have a weaker late game. That’s also the sacrifice too “I may play test that for myself”
Yo this is a sweet list, currently 6-0 at rank 7-6. I really want to fit in a brann, I’m considering cutting twilight elder for him since they are same cost and similar body. Half the deck has battlecry (literally 15 cards) so it seems like a great fit.
Including Flame imp 😉
Good idea though, keep us in the loop.
I do believe Brann for elder would be a strong switch. However try a councilman instead first before the elder
-1 ritual
-1 defender
+1 flame imp
+1 soulfire
Casual 4/4
Ranked 1/1 at 15.
Early, but love it. Will have to test against control/tempo since I have only faced one midrange hunter (it is tempo, boys&girls…) who draw quite poorly.
I can agree with the extra flame imp over a ritual however instead of loosing the defender for soulfire try the dark iron dwarf if you are also facing to many warriors and or shamans you can trade out a usher of souls for Harris Jones