Mid Range Shaman

Class: Shaman - Format: kraken - Type: midrange - Season: season-26 - Style: ladder

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This is a Mid Range/Control Shaman decks that uses manly class cards. It`s based on controlling the early game with Lightning Bolts and Rockbiters and flipping the board with tempo cards like Thing From Below, Hex and Nerubian Prophet+Master Of Evolution Combo. Also cards like Mana Tide Totem, Harrison, Azure Drake and Thunder Bluff Valiant makes sure that you won`t fall behind on cards on the late game.


Harrison – Harrison is a awesome card in this meta that rekts Shamans and works well against Warriors, Rogues and Paladins. Anyways, it can be traded for a Sylvanas or a second Mana Tide Totem 

Al`akir – Al`akir is a nice card for the late game but it can be traded for an Ysera or Cairne Bloodhoof

Ragnaros the Firelord – The same works for Ragnaros, Ysera or Cairne can do the job.

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