Big Spell Mage
GetMeowth went 12 – 6 on stream with this deck:
It’s in a really good spot in the meta.
Vs. Renolock: Mulligan hard for Polymorph, Frost Lich Jaina. You have to Polymorph the Voidlord of your opponent, he’s your main target, because he can be resurrectetd by Gul’Dan AND N’Zoth. Your other polymorph target is of course Mal'Ganis.
Other good cards vs. Renlock are Pyros for pressure & Voodoo Doll to handle other big cards like Mountain Giant etc. Be careful Renolock also plays Dirty Rat & Deathlord. Protect yourself against dirty attacks by holding Arcane Artificer,The Lich King & Sylvanas Windrunner. Don’t wait to long if you have Medivh/N’Zoth/Alanna in your hand. Try to pull your opponent’s N’Zoth/Zola/Kazakus or Reno Jackson with your rat.
Vs. Druids: Toss every card away (exept Skulking Geist always keep him vs druids) unless you get as much Dirty Rats and Deathlords as possible to disrupt your opponent’s combo.
You can sometimes keep Ice Block if there are a lot Malygos Druids on the ladder, but most of the wild druids are Jade or Togwaggle Druids. Try to generate pressure with Frost Lich Jaina, Pyros etc.
Vs. Paladin: Paladin is one of your best matchups. Just mulligan for your cheapest cards, it’s all about the start: Doomsayer, Dirty Rat, Deathlord, Dragon's Fury, Sludge Belcher, Pyros and even Blizzard if you have enough 2 other cards which cost 3 or less. Skulking Geist can be a really decent card in this matchup because most of the Odd Paladin are playing atleast 2-8x 1-mana-cost-spells. Try to read your opponents hand, with the right read you can also try to pull Quartermaster with your Dirty Rat.
Vs. Even Shaman: Mulligan for Doomsayer, Voodoo Doll, Dragon's Fury, Blizzard & Meteor .Be careful with Dirty Rat & Deathlord in this matchup because pulling a 8/8 in the early turns can easily cost you the game (play them only if you would have an answer to a big minion or if you would die anyways).
Matchups / Tech Choices
Vs. Reno-/Cubelock / Big Priest/Rogue
Vs. Paladin / Token Druid
Vs. Even Shaman & Odd Rogue
Maybe Cards / Replacement Card Pool

Visit my other Legend decklists
Visit my other Legend decklists
SmilodeX’ Wild N’Zoth Big Spell Mage
Wild Reno Hunter (updated list)
GetMeowth’s N’Zoth Big Spell Mage
Kripps OTK Combo Quest Nuclear Strike Priest
Wild Hearthstone Tierlist
Wild Hearthstone Tierlist
list will be updated 2 times per month…
SmilodeX is a card game enthusiast since he can read cards. He’s collecting cards from different card games and also played Magic the Gathering competetive. Smilo is playing Hearthstone since Naxxramas and had diverse legend finishes (most of them were in the wild mode). His passion is deckbuilding and playing control/combo & midrange decks. His goal isn’t just straight netdeck-meta-grinding, instead he’s trying to reach the higher ranks with his homebrewed decks. To have fun and to try out something new or crazy is his attitude, winning is sometimes insignificant. He’s analysing statistics to work out the best deck techs in current meta, improving different memedecks and matchups to have succcess with them on the ladder.
interesting deck, but i think what better reno or just big spell mage, what u think about it smilodex?
In my opinion this deck goes even with Reno Mage, your deck has 2 tools of everything what Reno Mage has. 2x Polymorphs vs. Big Priest and Renolock., 2x Dirty Rats & Deathlordsvs Combo decks is just bonkers! You have more threats than Reno Mage [2x waves to finish this game (N’Zoth & Alanna)].
The only thing why this deck is a bit worse than Reno Mage, is the healing factor, but in everything else this deck is better in my opinion. What’s you point playing Big Spell Mage without N’Zoth in wild? Sludge Belcher and Deathlord are bonkers!
thanks for reply, I agree, the fact that you have more chances to find the response to threat.
whether can i play the deathlord against aggressive a deck like the even shaman, if i dont have doll or polymorph?
I can’t recommend that… vs Even Shaman it’s a 50/50. If you would die without playing Deathlord, then play him. If there is any other way, go this way. If Deathlord pulls a 7/7 8/8 you’re in big trouble!
If you have a Freeze, Meteor, Poly or Doll then play him.
If you play vs Even Shaman hold Sludge Belcher in your start hand.
If you face a lot of Even Shaman, cut 1 Deathlord and 1 Dirty Rat for 2x Stonehill Defender and cut Sylvanas for Rotten Applebaum and Medivh for Baron Gheddon.