Midrange Mulligans
Remove and try to generate pressure
Combo Mulligans
Try to outdraw your opponent and kill them asap
Control Mulligans
Look for good ways to reliably destroy their face, preferably before Deathknights or Shudderwocks get slapped down
Combining Reckless Experimenter’s aura and Galvanizer’s battlecry, you can lower C’thun’s mana cost to 5. Doing this lets you play the Experimenter alongside the C’thun in the same turn to kill your opponent at the end of your turn. Idk if this is the optimal setup, but the idea is to draw cards while removing enemy threats. With Deadringer, finding the C’thun shouldn’t be difficult. Reliably drawing Reckless Experimenter and Galvanizer could be an issue. Another issue is that the high cost and combo dependent cards will lead to hand size issues; burning cards could happen very often. Heavy dependence on Duskbreaker and Auchenai might be a problem too. Obviously, trying to survive until turn 10 with no board pressure against degenerate aggro decks will not be lit. Hopefully, someday someone will make a version of this deck that doesn’t have these issues. I really don’t want my memes to just be dreams.
I feel as though you haven’t read the card properly. If you have Reckless Experimenter on the board when Mecha’thun dies, his deathrattle won’t activate. Equally if you still have cards in your hand he won’t activate, so playing him early is of limited value…
Yeah, you play the Experimenter and then the C’thun in one turn. The C’thun will be 5 mana with the three cost reductions. 10 mana minus 1 from each Galvanizer and then minus three from the Experimenter. 10- 1-1-3 =5
You aren’t listening. If there is an Experimenter on the board at the end of the turn, Mecha’Thun will just die – his Deathrattle won’t activate!! It only works if you have no cards (either in your hand or in your deck) and no minions on the board apart from Mecha’Thun!