Very rough draft of a Mech Priest. Given that a number of the new mechs have been designed with high health to make sure that they’ll survive long enough for a Magnetic mech to attach to them, why not get some Divine Spirit + Inner Fire shenanigans going?
Ive never been a fan of inner fire priest. but i can actually see this deck working. Although they said magnetic mechanic will be almost exclusive for warrior, paladin and hunter; they also said it will be more oriented to health buff, wich is perfect for priest.
Dragon Soul and Lyra the Sunshard are included purely as alternate tools for generating value; I’m not attached to them in any way. Similarly, Wargrear is sort of a placeholder in case some other neutral magnetic mech with high health is revealed.
I do think Meat Wagon could be a hidden gem, especially given that it is a mech. Unbuffed, it pulls Unpowered Steambot, but with the right buffs, it can pull anything in the deck.