Mech Paladin – Standard – Sunken City

Class: Paladin - Format: hydra - Type: aggro - Season: season-97 - Style: ladder

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I designed this deck on day 1 of the new expansion and so far I am (11-0) with it in Diamond to Legend.  It’s good to keep Click-Clocker, Radar Detector and Security Automaton in your opening hand, but if you have a 1 and 2 drop, or a Radar Detector, then keeping the Alliance Bannerman is often a strong start. The Ini Stormcoil is best used on the Mothership or The Leviathan, but sometimes just hitting a Popsicooler can get you out of a jam against big threats. I will likely be refining this decklist as the meta shapes up, as it is still too early to decide what is optimal. But thus far, most of these games have been blowouts, with only one close match.[

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