I would like to ask if I could put lord godfrey anywhere in this deck(I got him for free,seems an ok card)? Which card can i replace with him?(sorry for the language)
Got to legend for the first time with this deck. Thanks for sharing dude went 68-48 with a 59% win rate. This deck is extremely potent against most paladin line ups including odd paly which is all over rank 5 and up. Worst matchup without a doubt is Odd face hunter for anyone who was curious. Thanks again for the deck man. Keep up the good work.
It’s a common misconception that you can’t play both but that’s simply not true… you just have to determine what kind of matchup it is and how you want to win.
If you think you will actually need to mill them (control matchup), then you can just not play the weapon and it generally won’t matter because you don’t need tempo in those matchups.
If you don’t think you will need to mill them, you can just play them and Azari just becomes a 0-mana 10/10… pretty great, I’d say.
Dude… are you gonna do this every time someone post a cube deck ?
Blizz can’t hear you in here so, why don’t you just calm down and understand that, even if it’s strong, the deck shouldn’t be nerfed, because it needs at least some skills to win at high ranks, and you can easily defeat it if played by some clueless player
I do in my build, sub a mortal coil for Godfrey and also sub the spell break for owl. The extra stats don’t matter in this deck but the 1 health from the owl synergizes with defile.
I dropped mortal could altogether and a faceless, and added counters Ashmore, lord godfrey, Zola the gorgon, and a ratcatcher, it’s been working really well. I managed to turn 7 drop a 4 cost giant, ratcatchered the giant, killing a Glenda crowskin they just played, and then they conceded to my 10/7.
Faceless for your demons (doomguard for control, voidlord for Aggro) or Cube. Ooze is good for the mirror match as well as good vs Paladin aggro and even hunter’s bow. It looks teched for Aggro (stonehill instead of Mountain Giant) to improve the win-rate vs Paladin in particular.
This bad is pretty bad
No chance with it. Struggle with Rang 20 since 5 days. The classic warlock deck is better than this
Super stressfull deck. Fighted now like 50 Battles and just won 3 because u need sooooo much luck
is this list still viable to ladder from rank5 to legend?
I would like to ask if I could put lord godfrey anywhere in this deck(I got him for free,seems an ok card)? Which card can i replace with him?(sorry for the language)
Got to legend for the first time with this deck. Thanks for sharing dude went 68-48 with a 59% win rate. This deck is extremely potent against most paladin line ups including odd paly which is all over rank 5 and up. Worst matchup without a doubt is Odd face hunter for anyone who was curious. Thanks again for the deck man. Keep up the good work.
What should I sub out if i want to play Rin in this deck?
Weapon. If you want to play Rin don’t play the weapon because it pulls Azari.
It’s a common misconception that you can’t play both but that’s simply not true… you just have to determine what kind of matchup it is and how you want to win.
If you think you will actually need to mill them (control matchup), then you can just not play the weapon and it generally won’t matter because you don’t need tempo in those matchups.
If you don’t think you will need to mill them, you can just play them and Azari just becomes a 0-mana 10/10… pretty great, I’d say.
Thank you for saying this, it drives me crazy that people call a combination that ends in a 0 mana 10/10 anti synergy.
Dude… are you gonna do this every time someone post a cube deck ?
Blizz can’t hear you in here so, why don’t you just calm down and understand that, even if it’s strong, the deck shouldn’t be nerfed, because it needs at least some skills to win at high ranks, and you can easily defeat it if played by some clueless player
1 Ratcatcher could be good also
I’m curious why no lord godfrey he seems like he would have been a good fit.
I do in my build, sub a mortal coil for Godfrey and also sub the spell break for owl. The extra stats don’t matter in this deck but the 1 health from the owl synergizes with defile.
I dropped mortal could altogether and a faceless, and added counters Ashmore, lord godfrey, Zola the gorgon, and a ratcatcher, it’s been working really well. I managed to turn 7 drop a 4 cost giant, ratcatchered the giant, killing a Glenda crowskin they just played, and then they conceded to my 10/7.
Hes not very usable because you already have 4 board clears with defile and hellfire
He’s a board clear that comes with a 4/4 body tho, he’s a huge tempo play and for seven mana fits pretty well into a cube list.
Faceless for your demons (doomguard for control, voidlord for Aggro) or Cube. Ooze is good for the mirror match as well as good vs Paladin aggro and even hunter’s bow. It looks teched for Aggro (stonehill instead of Mountain Giant) to improve the win-rate vs Paladin in particular.
Someone explain this deck pls. Tips and tricks. What to use faceless on for
Example. Or why ooze is necessary
What do you think? Faceless on doomguard or void. 5 cost 5/7 charge without paying 2 discard cards.
Or. You can faceless a cube that has consumed a doomguard/voidlord.. so you can then destroy both of them (cubes) to get 4 copies .
Are you trolling ? This deck has been dominating for months. If you google it I am sure that over a hundred deck primers exist.
Try reading the article too…..
I wouldn’t say that. This deck does run Voodoo