Hey guys.. i have gotten to rank 5 with this deck and i know there is potential… please let me know any suggested changes to improve the deck
Hey guys.. i have gotten to rank 5 with this deck and i know there is potential… please let me know any suggested changes to improve the deck
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On a 7 game losing streak atm. Gone from 9 to 11. Not impressed so far.
After roughly 2½ hours straight, @ 0-14 ratio, from rank 9 to 12, I finally managed to squeeze out a win. I’m not sure what I’m doing wrong but it’s not going very well, to say the least.
I really wanted to try this deck out and learn to play it. However, it took me about 5 hours to complete my “Priest or Warlock domination”. The grand total ended @ 5-32, my rank plummeted from 9 to 16. This is not the funniest nor the most efficient deck I’ve played.
If you were playing this deck in wild format i am sorry… The version you played was made before the WoToG’s expansion…. I have updated the deck to be for standard and i am currently at rank 5 with this deck from rank 15
This is a very fun deck
i really don’t get it.. how do you play this deck? maby i was only facing hunter and paladin which were bad matchups to me..
Anyone who plays shadow madness/recombobulator combo is fine by me.
it is literally the trollest combo in the game
Any replacements for hungry dragon ?
yeah, i have been playing around with running piloted shredder… seems to work great but the only downside if you may just resurrect what the shredder dropped. other than that i would say you should buy Blackrock mountain or unlock it with gold anyways lol
getting a hungry dragon turn 4 after coining is more value than an infomercial
I am in a massive winning spree right now from 6 to 3. Too bad winning sprees don’t count in rank 5 up
I am playing around with tweeking the deck even more so please give your input.
Guys if you use this deck to stream on twitch please let me know as all my viewers will want to watch. Remember I am in China so time zone will be flipped for my stream
Link to me playing this Deck on the Chinese server