Aggro Mulligans
Against aggro, it'll be easier to go for Gonk. Ramp, remove stuff, then finish with the finisher stuff. Against stuff like Odd Pally, you might want to keep the spirit, too.
Control Mulligans
Ramp. Get your malygos and push that damage.
One win condition is effective against token/aggro decks- stall them until you have a low Twig or dreampetalled Gonk, then play Gonk, a taldaram or floop, and a claw/hero power their board down stacking up a bunch of damage then go face. Use Gonk for draw with Raptor if you aren’t going with this.
The other is effective against control decks. Use Malygos with the same conditions, then use Moonfires and Swipes to deal up to 36 damage with 1 floop’d or taldaram’d maly using twig or florist.