General Mulligans
You want to start the aggression on the first turn with any pirate to activate Patches. You will most likely heropower on turn 2, this is the reason why Hench-Clan Thug is your best Turn 3 card.
Odd Rogue always were an extremely aggressive and effective deck. Descent of Dragons brings a new 7 mana hero card that might fit into this existing archetype.
Galakrond, the Nightmare has a high tempo potential, especialy in the fully upgraded form. Drawing 4 dcards, reducing their cost to 0 and equiping a 5/2 weapon could be a finishing move when it occurs in an aggro deck.
Galakrond is a strictly better Sprint thanks to the reducing effect. Loosing your upgraded heropower is not that dramatic if you equipe a 5/2 claw. The only downside comes from the cards with the “Invoke” keyword available for rogue, they all lacks tempo or aggressiveness which is in total contradiction with the Odd Rogue archetype. Experimentation will tell us if it is worth to add the Galakrond package to the baku archetype.