Aggro Mulligans
Versus faster decks try to curve out well and beat them on board.
Control Mulligans
Keep Vectus if you already have a Starscryer.
This deck’s win condition is to double Pyroblast you opponent’s face. They will rarely be above 20 just because of how strong our early game is. If they overewhelm you though, play a Box and pray for the best.
It’s very easy to get all the 3 spells with the help of Starscryer and Vectus. I usually only keep Naga if I have The Box in hand. Polkelt is quite important too because he gets us to the combo, so keep him if not playing against Demon Hunter or Hunter.
I hit legend with it on day 1 and I’m 5-5 in top 100.
OMG, what a fun deck. got legend with it
Thanks, i tried a build by myself but yours it better.
I really do not understand vargoth. Pyroblast will cast on a random target, or?
Do you think Sphere is really necessary?
Vargoth is ment to be used with Box or missle at 5. It’s quite good as a 2/6 soft taunt as well. About the sphere, I do think its necessesary because you don’t have any card draw other than starscrier, so being able to cycle through the early game is very important. Also lets say you play Polkelt, after drawing the 3 spells, you would very much want to get rid of Vectus and the second Naga.
Thanks for your explanation, that makes it very clear!
What usually happens when i play Sphere on 1 id that I use all the charges by turn 5. Defo a must have.
Vargoth for which spell?
How many spells there are