Leeroy OTK Paladin (Libram)

Class: Paladin - Format: pegasus - Type: midrange - Season: season-128 - Style: fun

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Libram Paladin with Lady Liadrin & Leeroy for OTK Combo

For Technical OTK you need: 

(5-6) Combo pieces 

[Yrel, Beacon of Hope] played and have the [Libram of Justice]

[Sunsapper Lynessa]  on Board (not necessary)

[Leeroy Jenkins] on hand 

[Consecration] on hand

And enough cost reduced [Libram of Divinity]  Played on Minions For [Lady Liadrin] to copy.

Optimal Board and Hand for OTK: 

On Hand: [Libram of Justice], [Consecration], [Leeroy Jenkins], 6-7  [Libram of Divinity] at 0 Cost

On Board: [Sunsapper Lynessa] 

Play [Libram of Justice] & [Consecration] then Leeroy and buff him to [48/44] 

Non-optimal OTK: 

Have Any Minion on Board

Play [Lady Liadrin] After you played enough Cost Reduced  [Libram of Divinity]  usually 4-5 make sure to play the ones on hand on the Minion on board before you Play her. Then proceed to play all  [Libram of Divinity]  on the minion on board.

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