Leeroy Combo

Class: Priest - Format: dragon - Type: combo - Season: season-71 - Style: ladder

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This deck is built to have an edge against both aggro and control decks. Against aggro you have a lot of tools, first off  6 one drops Cleric of ScalesDisciple of Galakrondand Northshire Cleric , then your removal  Time Rip and Shadow Word: Death(which can also be used as a combo piece) and Galakrond, the Unspeakable himself , your creatures that impact the boardAeon Reaver,Convincing Infiltrator and of course 4 boardclears Mass Hysteria and Plague of Death. The main way you win the game is by reducing the cost of your Leeroy Jenkins and some of your other combo pieces (Embalming Ritual,grave ruin and Shadowy Figure) with Fate Weaver but overall the combo is very flexible. The other utility cards are Kronx Dragonhoof(insane value or tutor) Omega Medic(aggro) andpower word shield (filtering)

Tips: 1)you often win by trading leeroy with a deathrattle in oponents minions just to get more of them

          2) against aggro just give your Convincing Infiltrator grave ruin or ritual it and watch them struggle

To sum up, the deck is really fun and it actually shows great results against multiple decks so if you have the cards I really recommend giving it a try : )

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