Class: Shaman - Format: kraken - Type: combo - Season: season-36 - Style: ladder

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Deck Import

Emperor Thaurissan Hey guys!

So, as the
Year of the Kraken ends, I wanted to create a deck that showcased by far one of
the most influential cards I’ve seen so far – Reno Jackson. Although he isn’t
the win condition and the fact that the combo only requires one of each card, I
decided to build the rest of the deck around these main cards. All other cards
are in here to draw, heal, clear the board or taunt up, allowing you to get to
that OTK combo.

I’m not
going to sugar-coat it – this deck is constantly hovering around the 50-50 win
rate at the lower ranks, but it is absolutely satisfying when you pull of the


The Combo


To start the
four cards listed after 
Emperor Thaurissan MUST be in your hand for the OTK combo to
work. I have put the cards in the order they should be played.


This card reduces each
of the combo pieces by one, allowing you to play the combo in one turn provided
you have 10 mana available of course. This card is essential to the OTK aspect
of the combo. I generally don’t like to keep this card in the mulligan, as it
will take up a spot in your hand for most of the game (or until you draw the
combo pieces).


Provided these next
cards do cost one less, Leeroy is played first. Total = 6 damage.


Next is
Rockbiter. Total = 9 damage


Windfury. Total = 18 damage


Lastly you
would play Faceless Manipulator and copy your buffed up Leeroy. Total = 36


Why didn’t I include these cards?

Healing Wave is certainly
a good card but I would recommend not using it. A lot of what makes this deck
work is the element of surprise. Most players are so confused by what I am
playing and accidently revealing Leeroy or Faceless, could throw that advantage
away. Also, I don’t have the card in my collection… so feel free to try it
out. If you do, I would say swap it out with Refreshment


”Flametongue can actually
be played in this deck. I’m not sure of its interaction when you play Faceless
on your Leeroy (either 36 or 42 damage) but it could really work. I only put Rockbiter Weapon as it is a basic card from the Shaman
class set and therefore easier to acquire for all players.


Why did I include
this card?


Eternal Sentinel.
Honestly, I am considering not playing this card. I only included it to enable
me to still play something the turn after playing Elemental
Destruction as it overloads you for 5 mana. Other than that the
card seems to sit in my hand a lot. I will continue to play with the card until
I think of a better substitution.


The Curator provides draw
and taunt, which in this deck is amazing! This will help you draw through you
deck while also providing you with high value cards – Jeweled
Scarab as Shaman 3-drops can be offered and are INSANE,
”Coldlight for a board clear and Azure Drake for card draw or Chillmaw
for another possible board clear.


All up this deck is extremely fun to play, completely
off-meta and provides a different way of playing Reno as part of an OTK deck.


Have fun!


I will continue to play with this deck and update it if
anything changes before the Year of the Mammoth starts!




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