Lackey Control Shaman
Game plan
I’m back with another Shaman deck. Why? Shaman is weird and fun. I enjoy that. There are so many possibilities with Shaman and they’re all so mediocre, but I’ll try my darnedest to make at least one of these Shaman archetypes playable. This is attempt #1. To be honest, I have no idea how this deck is going to win, but it will probably off the claws of Shudderwock . It should be generating enough value to where you can grind the opponent out with lackeys and spooky spells from Hagatha the Witch . This list is spilling over with weird card choices, and I’ll attempt to defend them. Let’s hope it works out.

I’m 90% sure lackeys in Shudderwock are like 200 IQ, because on paper they appear insane, especially since the 1 mana token synergizes with Hagatha. Sludge Slurper benefits Shaman immensely, because it finally has a good one drop. No, not Air Elemental. A good one drop. First of all, both EVIL Cable Rat and Sludge Slurper are battlecries, so Shudderwock will trigger it. Second of all, the lackeys have battlecries, so Shudderwock will trigger those as well. Just try not to nab a witchy lackey, as that will transform your Shudderwock. Other than that, you should be golden.
I already mentioned how lackeys work well with Hagatha, right? Well, it only gets more insane, because you’re getting more lackeys in your hand because of Shudderwock. Obviously, this is a Tier 1 deck.
Elemental Package

Elementals have always meshed well with Shudderwock. They are just great cards and often have powerful battlecries. Naturally, they wound up in this deck. There are 7 elementals, two of which generate more elementals. Since there aren’t an excessive amount of elementals, its probably best to plan out your Elementary Reaction . Don’t get me wrong, Elementary Reaction is not horrible without the yellow border, but it is so much more powerful with it. Copying a card is a strong effect, especially considering most of the cards in the deck would love to have another copy.
Menacing Nimbus is an intruiging card, especially after rotation. Unfortunately, I don’t have the time to dig deep and determine if Menacing Nimbus became better or worse. All I know is that it is an elemental for elemental synergy and generates cards for Hagatha and Shudderwock. It can’t be that bad, right? Bog Slosher is another great elemental. It works well with lackeys, lackey generators, card generators, and the horror from Swampqueen Hagatha (maybe?). In addition, the deck runs Electra Stormsurge . I shouldn’t have to say much about it, because it works with card generating spells and any spell from Hagatha. Finally, the last elemental is Mountain Giant . This card will never end up bad. Your hand is always going to be full with lackeys, hagatha spells, and elementals. I can’t imagine it ever costing more than 6 mana.
Tech Choices
I chose a couple interesting cards to work in combination with the deck. First off, I have Omega Mind . Obviously, the main reason is the full heal you can achieve with Hagatha’s Scheme, but it can also work with spells generated from Hagatha.
As this is a control deck, I also included one Hecklebot . The ceiling for this card is sky high. It could be the next Dirty Rat, but it could also be too inconsistent and a massive flop. We’ll see. The idea behind this card is that you can pull out and hex a large combo piece against combo decks. It also matches up well vs Aggro. Shudderwock is also going to pull another minion out. It could be insignificant, and get absolutely demolished by Hagatha’s Battlecry or something of the sort, or it could eliminate another combo piece. Fortunately, if it doesn’t work out, you could replace it with potentially a Storm Chaser or some more draw, like Far Sight.
Finally. I included Jepetto Joybuzz . Jepetto is simply an amazing card. Again, it works well with Hagatha. It works well with Shudderwock. As a stand-alone card, it has a lot of value. Just try not to grab the aforementioned Hecklebot.
Oh yeah, and Zilliax
Finally, the End of the Guide
If you like really grindy Shaman deck that is always a new experience ever time you queue a game, then I suggest this deck. Again, I would like to restate that this deck is no doubt Tier 1 and will be flooding the ladder the first week of Rise of Shadows. If it isn’t, I’ll be extremely disappointed.
However, if you appreciated the guide and want to see more, feel free to like it. I’m glad you guys liked the last one, so I’ll continue to more guides like these.