KFT Burn Shaman

Class: Shaman - Format: mammoth - Type: control - Season: season-43 - Style: ladder

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Aggro Mulligans

Against agro decks such as token shaman murloc paladin and zoo lock i found it best to keep jade claws, lightning bolt, and malestrom portal these cards are amazing vs agro and can deal with all of your oponents early game even reaching for lightning storm isnt a bad idea

Midrange Mulligans

similar to agro wanting to keep cards to keep midrange decks at bay is best but also look for firefly as it is an ealy game minion that stashes the flame elemental into your hand 

Control Mulligans

Against control the number 1 card is manatide totem using this to draw into your late game is what will when you the game vs control decks 

The Fire flys and igneous elementals are really good for storing the flame elementals in your hand to use later in the game for you elemental synergy

Also might want to consider taking jade sprit as well to build up jades

The inspiration for this deck came from the ungoro burn mage. 

After building this deck i decided to take it out on ladder and it did surprisingly well 13-7 in the rank 9-6 area.

In this Deck the aim is to control the board the entire game using your powerful single target and aoe affects whilst building up a jade army and using you fire flys and igneous elementals to stash flame elementals in your hand to burn your opponent with alextraza blaze caller and kalimos primal lord. Also another thing to note when going for the alex burn is that between both jade lightnings and both lighting bolts you could deal 14 damage burst.

The other line is to just play big minions instead of burning use your blazecallers amd kalimos to equilize the board and your big guys should win from there.

And this deck is not short on value either with the servents of kalimos grabbing more elelmentals and mana tide totems giving you effecient card draw this deck does wonders.

Of course there are weaknesses Druid or warrior for example might just out armor you and you wont be able to burn them or the deck doesnt draw its conrtoll cards and your opponent completely overruns you. 

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