Great Deck! I swapped out the Eaglehorn Bow’s for a Scavenging Hyena and it comes in clutch sometimes, if anyone is interested in the stats here is the breakdown of 30 games I played rank 10-8. A few misplays here and there bringing down the total by 2 or 3 wins but solid otherwise.
Update, just hit rank 5 only using this deck from rank 10, works wonders you just need to get a feel for the play style. I went on around a 10+ win streak boosting my rank significantly
I agree that a Scavenging Hyena does a lot for the deck, but Eaglehorn Bow is too good to cut. I swapped the Wolfrider for it instead and have been doing well.
I was stuck at 15 with my Miracle Rouge and started using this last night. I jumped a level really quick with only one loss and felt like I was cheating. Nice Deck!
I’m willing to believe that, but there’s zero explanation here on how to mulligan, how to combo cards, choosing between trading or going face or whatever.
I mean, the beast synergy is obvious (even if there’s only four cards that actually DO anything to your beasts), plus playing Leeroy Jenkins with Unleash the Hounds is pretty funny… I can’t tell whether this is an aggro or mid-deck since the low-cost minions are too slow, and your only source of card draw is counter-productive against non-secret decks. It just feels like you lose board control way, way too fast.
It just feels like it takes way too long to set up a half-decent board, which is far too easily blown out of the water.
Terrible deck I’m sorry to say I spent dust on building Leeroy for it. I can’t get out of Rank 23, getting obliterated by every class. 6 Losses in a row. This is CURRENT Legend status? I don’t think so. If the stars align and there’s a blue moon in the sky, maybe.
If you can’t get out rank 23, you’re a peace of shit. Just deal with it dude. This decks works, i’m at rank 3 climbing with 65% winrate with this deck. Just improve your skills before copy a netlist.
This deck is horrible compared to pretty much everything else. Super inconsistent again anything that has healing abiliity. No legs at all either win turn 5 or conceded.
Im a big fan of secret hunter even tho i only got like 200wins with hunter in general i was VERY hyped seeing this list.
Yesterday I reached Legend (not with this deck/hunter) and was eager to try and learn something new, my main goal however was to shrekk mages especially secret mages.
Anyways lets cut to the chase.. Flare can get counterspelled, end of story
All matches so far where super close, im 0-6 with it now.
so… how do i play this deck?? do i just try to go face all the time? When do i play the secrets?
I have little to no hunter experience and i’ve won maybe 3 of 5 games with the deck, but the games were extremely close. Is it meant to capitalize on the secret mages out there? what decks should I have significant struggles against? What should I steam roll?
Neccesary or safe favourable trades>Face. Play secrets in conjunction with huntress. Only play secrets without huntress when it is more advantageous than developing board or when there is literally no other play (ie: explosive trap+hero power is better against aggro druid than playing minions when they have board control)
Yes it is ment to capitalize on mage, as mage is currently the most/second most played class outside of legend. You should struggle against paladin, mid hunter and quest warrior. You should steam roll mage and have 50/50 matchups against the rest
might work on retard gooks servers, but this won’t fly on NA where everyone has at least 70 iq
Seventy seems a little optimistic as you’re clearly including yourself. Why not try again?
if you are not having much luck with this deck, try subbing one Fiery Bat and one Eaglehorn Bow for 2 scavenging hyenas. works well in this meta.
Great Deck! I swapped out the Eaglehorn Bow’s for a Scavenging Hyena and it comes in clutch sometimes, if anyone is interested in the stats here is the breakdown of 30 games I played rank 10-8. A few misplays here and there bringing down the total by 2 or 3 wins but solid otherwise.
Update, just hit rank 5 only using this deck from rank 10, works wonders you just need to get a feel for the play style. I went on around a 10+ win streak boosting my rank significantly
I agree that a Scavenging Hyena does a lot for the deck, but Eaglehorn Bow is too good to cut. I swapped the Wolfrider for it instead and have been doing well.
I was stuck at 15 with my Miracle Rouge and started using this last night. I jumped a level really quick with only one loss and felt like I was cheating. Nice Deck!
you guys must not be playing this deck right, it works wonders.
I’m willing to believe that, but there’s zero explanation here on how to mulligan, how to combo cards, choosing between trading or going face or whatever.
I mean, the beast synergy is obvious (even if there’s only four cards that actually DO anything to your beasts), plus playing Leeroy Jenkins with Unleash the Hounds is pretty funny… I can’t tell whether this is an aggro or mid-deck since the low-cost minions are too slow, and your only source of card draw is counter-productive against non-secret decks. It just feels like you lose board control way, way too fast.
It just feels like it takes way too long to set up a half-decent board, which is far too easily blown out of the water.
Terrible deck I’m sorry to say I spent dust on building Leeroy for it. I can’t get out of Rank 23, getting obliterated by every class. 6 Losses in a row. This is CURRENT Legend status? I don’t think so. If the stars align and there’s a blue moon in the sky, maybe.
If you can’t get out rank 23, you’re a peace of shit. Just deal with it dude. This decks works, i’m at rank 3 climbing with 65% winrate with this deck. Just improve your skills before copy a netlist.
i think hes trolling real well lol, moment i saw 23 couldve been 20 or 25 still hilarious lmao
I think he will play on Legend most time vs the Mage – Than u will win 100% if u get your flare…
Huh. I would use hunters mark instead of flare, and probably would repace one razormaw with a jeweled macaw or maybe snipe.
One does not simply replace razormaw
Those are awful replacements
LOLWUT? Razormaw is the best card in this entire deck.
No way he made it to that rank with this busted deck
This deck is horrible compared to pretty much everything else. Super inconsistent again anything that has healing abiliity. No legs at all either win turn 5 or conceded.
This deck is extremely bad between rank 10 – 5 .
how do you pass big tounts with this deck?
u have to finish the game untill turn 7 most of the time
Im a big fan of secret hunter even tho i only got like 200wins with hunter in general i was VERY hyped seeing this list.
Yesterday I reached Legend (not with this deck/hunter) and was eager to try and learn something new, my main goal however was to shrekk mages especially secret mages.
Anyways lets cut to the chase.. Flare can get counterspelled, end of story
All matches so far where super close, im 0-6 with it now.
so… how do i play this deck?? do i just try to go face all the time? When do i play the secrets?
I have little to no hunter experience and i’ve won maybe 3 of 5 games with the deck, but the games were extremely close. Is it meant to capitalize on the secret mages out there? what decks should I have significant struggles against? What should I steam roll?
Neccesary or safe favourable trades>Face. Play secrets in conjunction with huntress. Only play secrets without huntress when it is more advantageous than developing board or when there is literally no other play (ie: explosive trap+hero power is better against aggro druid than playing minions when they have board control)
Yes it is ment to capitalize on mage, as mage is currently the most/second most played class outside of legend. You should struggle against paladin, mid hunter and quest warrior. You should steam roll mage and have 50/50 matchups against the rest
I Dont think that you struggle against midhunter, in the hunter mirror normally the fastet hunter wins and thats you.