It’s looking like this type of list is going to be a mainstay of the ladder for the time being. It holds off the opponent during the early game, aggressively heals you back up with Forbidden Healing and Ragnaros, Lightlord and finishes the opponent with large minions and board from N'Zoth, The Corruptor.
Update 3: -1 Humility, +1 Acidic Swamp Ooze, +2 Loot Hoarder, +1 Rallying Blade, -1 Acolyte of Pain, -1 Keeper of Uldaman, -1 Twilight Summoner, -1 Eadric the Pure
Update 2: +2 Humility, +2 Stampeding Kodo, +1 Eadric the Pure, +1 Ragnaros the Firelord, -1 Acidic Swamp Ooze, -1 Harvest Golem, -1 Keeper of Uldaman, -1 Twilight Summoner, -1 Solemn Vigil, -1 Lay on Hands
Update: +1 Acidic Swamp Ooze, +1 Harvest Golem, +1 Cairne Bloodhoof, -2 Loot Hoarder, -1 Corrupted Healbot
Not understanding rallying blade. Guessing it’s just for the stats.
With the new adventure, do you think paladin has a chance to get more competitive? Like, from tier 2-3 to tier 1 straight? Or does the new patch not helpful to us in constructed?
-1 ooze +1 harrison
do i loose that much early presence ?
I have a hard time winning n zoth prist with this deck is tat any way to overcome it?
I thing this deck needs more large death rattles (not counting loot hoarders because doesn’t really provide much board) because the really high value legendary death rattles can be removed without killing them in a lot of classes. Also, never really got lightlord or sylvanas so which would be better to craft.
I think you should craft sylvanas only because it is used a lot in other decks. I’m missing lightlord as well but thats my next legendary to craft.
Either hunter is a bad matchup for this deck or my opponents don’t know how to play, but I keep seeing this deck and squashing it.
Question. Why Rallying Blade? Nothing has divine shield. Just cos it’s a cheap weapon?
I’m actually running the deck with an argent protector and rallying blade and i like it. now the “combo” of both of them together doesn’t happen very often, but both cards are fine on their own.
you run rallying blade to have an early answer to 3 hp minions, which are a bit more prevalent now imo. it will also pressure hunter a bit more since you can eliminate the small minions they may houndmaster on turn 4.
I really don’t like not having 2 aco or 2 solemn, so i don’t even run the loot hoarders but I think a few of these cards can all be shuffled around as long as you keep the core relatively intact. the taunt tauren is so worth though, already he’s helped me stabilize multiple times i’m hovering between rank 3-7 depending on what decks i’m playing.
Rallying blade in this deck is kind of like how there are some hunter decks running little to no secrets, and yet they still have an Eaglehorn bow. It’s just a decent weapon that can be played in the early game by itself, or it can be played with Tirion if he manages to keep divine shield for a turn.
Eadric has been taken out of this deck
What I don’t understand about this archetype is – what the hell do you do against control warrior. They can easily deal with your minions one at the time with all of their removal and gorehowl. And they just need to save one brawl for your nzoth. You can’t really rush him down, non of your minions are high attack creatures except Rag. Can someone explain what is the win condition in this match up?
I”m running into the same problems with this type of deck not sure there is an answer but i have added a Chillmaw to my deck it gives it a little more punch and another taunt when i throw down N’zoth.
this is why i feel like the list needs justicar trueheart with this you can slowly grind the warriors out with endless derps they can only easly clear a few times then they just kinda die to it
um n’zoth? wrecks control warriors. Brawl? all minions have deathrattle.
I think he means double brawl. Save your brawl until nzoth hits, then use your second brawl to clean up the replacements.
So I’m finding that people are anticipating N’Zoth with this style deck now – and I am getting punished by Shaman / Priest / Mage when they save their Hex / Entomb / Polymorph for key dethrattle cards. Does any one have any strategies to avoid this? There is not much bait for them to blow those spells early.
I don’t know if I’m starting learn how to play with this deck, or the Ragnaros the Firelord made a huge diference, cause now my winrate with this deck are similar to my old secret paladin!
Edric? Replace for him?
Second Keeper of Uldaman or Solemn Vigil.
Hi !
Is Enter the Coliseum a good replacement for Eadric the Pure ? I’ve disenchant him not long ago and I’m not sure it’s worth recrafting him…
I’ve seen some lists playing Enter the Coliseum, might be worth exploring.
Why not using Emperor Thaurissan?
I didnt want to use the twilight summoners, so I replaced them for thaurisan and harrison jones. It´s working well so on.
Often find myself with dead draw cards in late game vs control or mirror. Switched out one Acolyte for Elise, workes great. Nice body for turn 4 with a nice monkey play late after N’zoth. What do you think?
What’s the word on, Twilight Summoner? Does it seem promising enough to craft?
It might become more clear after the Dreamhack tournament, I’m not positive on what the correct deck choice is right now.
After dream hack, what’s your opinion?
I wouldn’t craft it if you were short on dust. Chakki’s version didn’t run it at all, and Kolento has cut it down to one.
What about replace 1 acolyte and 1 solemn vigil for 1 humilty and 1 stamp kodo?
neither got cairne or the summoners, ant good replacement evident?
Corrupted Healbot and a second Harvest Golem can replace those cards.
No more healbots? how does that work?
Evident how do you think this one compares to the control pally deck running humility and no twilight summoners
Tough to say, I’d try it without if you don’t have them yet (I wouldn’t craft them if you’re on a tight dust budget).
I have both summoners. I am running humility control pally right now and I have to say Humility alone has saved me games.
Given that I have pretty much every card in the new set would you run the humility version or this one? I also crafted Cairne for the build as well.
I’m not sure which version is better, it’ll hopefully be more clear after the upcoming tournaments.
Evident, do you think this is a meta-defining deck ? With 11.000+ dust to make it, it seems to me like a new “golden” control deck (like control warrior). Is is so strong ?
It’s strong and probably going to be around, but I’m not ready to call it a meta-defining deck.
this deck is weak against priest
Corrupted healbot and solemn vigil replacements???
Replacing Solemn Vigil is pretty tough, I don’t have any great recommendations, but Loot Hoarder is an option. Corrupted Healbot isn’t in the deck anymore (I think you commented before I updated it).
Any thoughts here on substituting Harrison Jones in for Ooze? Paladin can always do for some extra draw, but not sure if he’s too slow.
Reached rank 9 with aggro shaman, so I decided to craft this deck. Well, now I’m at rank 17. Control Warriors are unbeatable, but it’s really hard to beat Priests, Renolocks and Rogues too. I can only win against zoolocks, druids, mages and other Paladins. Where I am wrong?
aggro shaman no need skill
That’s tells a lot…
And like… I have no idea how you loose vs control warriors with nzoth paladin. I have 100% winrate, and i’m watching streams in that 20min, cause I know the outcome after 5 min.
im a control warrior player and i have 100% win rate against n’znoth pally, if u play 2 brawls and/or deathwing u just soak up the damage, clear the board, double brawl after n’zoth, and watch the pally die to fatigue.
won against control priests. just the way you play your cards
control warrior sorry.
Mastering this deck is difficult. I myself, being 3 times legend, dropped 2 ranks at first trying to use it. After some practice i could understand better the mechanics and get good results. I am writing after beating a control warrior. Just swarm the board of 1/1 tokens and 1/1 deathrattle before possible brawl. He will never play 2 brawls or he will lose for sure after nzoth play. Play harvest, cairne and also 1 pyro to push damage whenever possible. He will be forced to use removal and leave a free slot to tyrion, ragnaros lightlord, sylv, to get value. If u force him to brawl 2 times, use all removals, and so on, u will win 100%. With priest is very hard due to entomb, u should try to force him to entomb something else than sylv and tyrion. if u accomplish to do so u can win. Rogue is very hard, try to keep the board cleen to avoid value from raptors, and get a good value turn with wild pyro+equality (if u manage to do wild pyro + equality and sylvanas at 10 it could win u the game) Renolock looses if he uses twisting nether before n’zoth, of if after using it he has nothing else to handle 5/5s and 2nd cairne (i won this morning with it like this). Hope this is helpful.
Thank you for your answer and your tips. Against Renolock and Rogue I can actually win some games, but against CW is always a pain, I try to do what you wrote but they know how to play against N’Zoth, so it’s really hard. I watched some Kolento stream to learn something, but he lost against CW too
Yes, it is an unfavourable matchup, keep truesilvers for the new 2/6 taunts, that card has to get the lowest value as possible, getting good value out of creatures to save removals is what makes the warrior win 100%, if u manage to make him use removals on low value targets u can steal some games. Trump has justicar in list to give him an edge against CW, being hero power crtiical in that matchup.
This deck got me rank 4 this season and has been working wonders for me on ladder. It has very few poor match ups and I’m surprised you are losing to control warrior because that should always be a match up in your favor. I would watch other people play this deck if you want to get better at it and maybe think about your plays more instead of playing your turns in like 10 seconds.
I know it’s going to be hard to replace, but what should i use instead of doomsayer? (saving up for it) currently i’m using truesilver champion
whoops i mean sacrificex2 (was adding truesilver into the deck as i typed this comment)
actually i decided to add one sacrifice and one blood knight to replace it (let me know if theres better options) because majority of the deck currently has at least one divine shield (4/2 cthun’s chosen or 1/1 argent squire)
Corrupted Healbot, Solemn Vigil and Twillight Summoner replacements?
Is Ragnaros, Lightloard replaceable in this type of deck?
I wouldn’t replace it, but you can try an Infested Tauren.
Tuskarr Jouster is another option!
What di you think about an Abomination ?
It’s worth exploring, but Abomination is generally looked at as a pretty bad card.
Hex, Polymorph and Entomb, destroys this deck completely
This is exceptionally untrue.
All the shammy is aggro so hex isn t that common. Poly is in freeze mage and they usually run 1 copy of it. And priest is uncommon on ladder
Just crafted the deck and played one game with it. I ran into a cthun priest. With 2 entombs. Who ended up with a loss? Him. Period. Can t wait for a shaman with hex and a freeze mage with poly
You can not possibly play one game with this deck and assume you know it’s “glaring” weakness. There are more then enough big threats in this deck to out pace two entombs, two hexs, or two polymorphs. You need to learn how to play thsi style of deck. Baiting out significant removal, or dropping them in a row against certain decks that can’t handle that (priest) allows you to get the advantage. This is a very slow methodical deck that gets punished by bad plays. So far it’s working extremely well for me, but i added Rag, fire Lord and Cairne for the acolytes, as i have too many games that go to fatigue, and end up with dead card draw cards.
This is an exceptionally good deck.
Indeed i was quite over my head saying that. One game wouldn t prove anything. I found that LoH was the over kill, mostly when i was going up against control decks, any thoughts on that? Still the deck plays out amazingly well but it.s really hard to play
In Love with the deck 6-0 so far good stuff
replacement for ragnaros?
Infested Tauren.
Tuskarr Jouster is another option!
replacement for SOLEMN VIGIL ?
StrifeCro added a Spellbreaker and Infested Tauren.
Is the deck playable without Twilight Summoners? If so what are the replacements?
Try another Corrupted Healbot and Infested Tauren.
I removed 2 hoarder and added 1 bgh and elise…nzot won’t kill me anymore for fatigue
i know this question may seem stupid but i spent all my dust on gold c’thin (sugoi)what do i replace lay on hands and Tirion Fordring with?
You could maybe go second Corrupted Healbot or Infested Tauren for Lay on Hands. There’s no real replacement for Tirion, that card is very important for this deck.
is this worth crarfting? i stored up to 7000 dust to get a nice control deck going in wotg but is this worth it in the longrun? help
Evident your advice would much appreciated
I think the bulk of this list is very solid, but I would consider holding back on crafting the Twilight Summoner as I’m not positive it will make the final list. I would try doubling up Corrupted Healbot and add an Infested Tauren and wait to see if Twilight Summoner makes the final cut.
Exactly my thoughts with Twilight Summoner! But except that, this control paladin deck actually works? Like control warror used to work in the old meta, holding off aggro and challenging control decks? I m not yet sure if it s meta…
It seems to be pretty strong. It did well at the MSI tournament over the weekend.
It’s worth, but i think the twilight summoner is too slow. So i would craft the cards because most of them see plays anyways
(bad english feelsbadman)
A lot of the cards in this deck are either pally control staples, or reusable in nzoth builds in other classes.
I like this deck a lot.
And I think the cards will see play in other decks. So it’s safe to craft these.
Mulligans for this deck?
This list is phenomenal – keep it the way it is. I tilted down to rank 4 today from rank 1 with zoo, and hit legend (for the first time ever! eff yes!) with this deck with 2.5 hours to spare. Don’t listen to the people talking about how twilight summoner is bad, or that you need cairne. Cairne is bad. Twilight summoners are amazingly good. The miser’s corrupted healbot is amazingly good. Trust kolento.
Twilight sucks , use thalnos and chillmaw instead amazing.
Man twilight is the best card it is a clear field card that can be used both on mid game and on late game with he is too strong and difficult to deal without silence
…On the other hand thalnos can only possibly boost the conversation and let you draw just a card …so the first effect is not good .in this deck …but for the second effect that is: the card draw you have 2 hoarders and 2 of the 1/3 guy that lets you draw so many cards adittion thalnos if he came.with n zoth he would be a total waste because drawing cards in that late game would be terrible but the board clearer is just too strong for late and mid game ,as for chillmaw ..,well chillmaw is just too slow …it cant be used on this deck ….it has more things to deal with rather than playing chillmaw
the game has become so boring these dayz
I preferred cairne bloodhoof I have built something like this I don’t agree with 3 to 4 cards though and I use a corrupted tauros
He updated it. Removed the hoarders.
See this video for the updated decklist:
That’s an older list, his youtube videos are from a day or two ago. I got this deck from his stream today right here:
Which one out of this deck or the linked one would you say is the better one?
I’d probably go with Kolento’s version, it’s more recent.
All-right, I will give this one a go, thank you for the opinion!
I don’t like this one. TOO much card draw. And really, in a looong game you don’t want both loot hoarders to summon when playing nzoth…
I think Lay on Hands is a bit too much as well, you really dont need that much healing and card draw
i like strifco’s version the best. Twilight Summoner kind sucks imo. i just use Polluted Loot Horder for the card draw and the 4 attack when he comes back
The whole point of the deck is to have huge value with your deathrattle card and get that value again with Nzoth.
You already have Robot + Sylavanas + Cairne + Tirion + Nzoth with high attack and impossible to remove deathrattles so you dont need that bonus 4 attack minion or card draw at that point
Twilight Summoner is really good, he can survive board clears or protect you from them, and being a slow card isn’t such a problem since you literally have over 9000 heals, card draw, value cards, and the best board clears in the game
meh. sure he protects you from board clears.. but that’s it. maybe your opponent wakes up with Twisting Nether after you’ve dropped Nzoth… but that’s going to be rare since the only warlock deck going right now is vomit zoo.
in the meantime Twilight is a crappy 1/1 for 4 that trades with nothing, sucks on curve..and will be ignored by your opponent. and if you have a slow day drawing minions your N’Zoth spawns two 1/1s
yeah no thanks
Preach it brother.