Pretty standard Control Priest from Kolento! Deathlord can just stop aggro in its tracks, so if you’re running into a lot of Face Shaman then you might want to give Priest a try!
Update 2: -1 Silence, -2 Museum Curator, -1 Sludge Belcher, -1 Entomb, -1 Toshley, +1 Flash Heal, +2 Acolyte of Pain, +1 Elise Starseeker, +1 Harrison Jones, +1 Justicar Trueheart
Update: -1 Flash Heal, -1 Grand Crusader, +1 Silence, +1 Toshley
If you don’t have Toshley you can run Justicar Trueheart, but Kolento mentions that Toshley has better stats and spare parts help with Wild Pyromancer.
Is this a good idea to replace Harrison with Ysera for better late game?
It depends, if you’re playing against a lot of Aggro Shaman, Secret Paladin, and Patron Warrior then Harrison is better. If you’re playing against a lot of control decks then Ysera might help.
Replacement for all naxx cards pls :/ If it is even possible??
He made a change -1 Harrison Jones +1 Museum Curator
harrinson and zombie replace?
Loatheb or Sylvanas for Harrison. Maybe go with Museum Curator for Zombie Chow.
Harrison Jones replacement?
Loatheb or Sylvanas.
I LOVE this list. Velen’s Chosen is just what control priest needed to make Acolyte and Deathlord insane. I replaced Harrison Jones with Vol’Jin because I don’t want to craft Harrison but other than that I love this list!
Replacements for second cabal priest and second light bomb?
Second Sludge Belcher and Sylvanas, Loatheb, or Justicar Trueheart.
He actually plays shadow word: pain instead of silence on his stream.
I dont understand why he runs 2 Cabal with no shrinmeister… I would just swap one for Justicar.
But then again I’m a noob and have yet to get past rank 4.
Is Ysera a good replace for Toshley/Justicar?
Yeah, that’d be solid.
Tosh Replace?
Justicar or Sylvanas.
cruisader is better because its more stickier and a paladin card can be useful like pyro+equility
w8 and pray mode on
why was the justicarr taken out for grand crusader? i thought you need the justicarr to get better heal and more value out of auchenai
From the Kolento streams of this deck I’ve seen, the card produced by Grand Crusader came in handy most of the time. But I didn’t hear him explain why it’s better than, say, Sylvanas or Justicar. I can only guess that it has some strange synergy with Museum Curator, Northshire Clerics, and PW:Shield in that you’re rarely lacking for multiple cards in your hand to choose from each turn.
Grand Crusader, why?
Wouldn’t this be a more accurate deck?
It’s different from what’s listed here.
Yeah, that’s a more updated deck list, this is from last season.
sorry didnt realize that. I thought this was season 21 🙂
Thank you for your quick reply.
Is there a way to replace Justicar ?
Sylvanas or Loatheb.
replacement for zombie chow?
Argent Squire? That’s a pretty tough card to replace.
is jeweled scarab a good replacement for museum curator? i dh the fourth wing yet.
I’d consider doing a Shrink Meister and second Belcher.