Experimental: The deck should be considered a work in progress.
This is a mix of Taunt and Dragon synergy that combines to create a very defensive deck! Bolster is the glue of this deck giving all of your Taunt minions +2/+2 for a virtually impenetrable wall. If this deck gets into the late game it’s going to be very tough to beat due to a heavy top end curve of Nefarian, Ysera, and Varian Wrynn. The deck includes new Grand Tournament cards, such as: Bolster, Alexstrasza's Champion, Sparring Partner, Twilight Guardian, and Varian Wrynn.
I made a couple of tweaks
Swapped Sylvanas for Chillmaw – Taunt and another dragon
Swapped 1 deathlord for a whirlwind – may swap back – still tuning
Swapped Valerian for Kel Thuzzad – not a fan of valerian – too hail mary whereas kel thuzad brings your taunters back
So far 4-1 with this build
I feel like sludge belcher would be great in this deck
Surprised to hear this has not do e well for others. I’ve won 4/5 with it. Firey War Axe is good for taking out early game minions, otherwise there’s Armour to absorb the damage.
I did change the mana curve, though. Not having Ysera or Varian I put in Blackwing Technicians instead. Bit more early game firepower and good for Sparring Partner with 5 health.
What about 2 annoy-o-tron for 2 accolyte pain ?
I agree with Mythrol. Whirlwind + Brawl instead of the deathlords is a big plus for this deck but it’s still hard to keep a decent win rate with it.
can I replace ysera?
You’d have to replace it with another big dragon. Again, Chromaggus could be good; else you’re stuck with the incomparably weaker Azure Drake.
Ok the initial changes I made were taking out both deathlords and adding a whirlwind and a brawl. Brawl is needed in this deck to clear the board. Whirlwind gives a good low mana clear to 1 health minions that you can activate the next turn as a response and allows comboing with AoP. The side benefit is this allows the deck to win even more jousts. I haven’t found missing out on two deathlords to be a big issue so far but I’m sure other changes could be made.
Deathlord without Brawl?
Played 10 games only won a single game. This deck feels super dependent on early game luck in not drawing your big cards and having answers. It doesn’t handle super rushy decks well at all. Annoy-o-tron destroys it as well. I really like the idea of it but it feels super weak against too fasts of decks and if the Varian misses it doesn’t handle other control decks well either.
I think I;m going to craft the Twilight Guardians tonight. Seems like Chillmaw would be better in this than Nefraian. I don’t like mixing battlecry with Varian.
i think if u don’t like waste battlecry u can replace him with chrommagus that has a great sinergy with varian too ð
What replace Black Knight?
Loatheb could work.
TBK has a great synergy with Sparring Partner, so it’s hard to replace.