General Mulligans
Gotta be able to survive the early game with these nice easy board clears, especially the new Flurry from Kobolds and Catacombs is going to be quite nice.
Aggro Mulligans
You need board clear to survive against quick decks. Brawl can sometimes be good to keep, because there is only one in the deck.
Control Mulligans
Be a man and keep the DK, if you mulligan it away you minus well concede.
This is my version of Control Warrior. N'Zoth the Corruptor with The Darkness and Dead Man's Hand .
Kills ANYTHING. If you lost, it’s because YOU are bad.
Can’t wait to the set comes out to try some new cards. Definitely will be trying out the Woecleaver just in a different deck though. It would suck to use it in this deck and play it and pull out my win condition: N’Zoth. I would concede.
You might ask: “If its a Nzoth deck why isn’t Cairne Bloodhoof in the deck?”
Well stop whining and I’ll tell you why. You pay 6 mana for this 4/5 that summons a 4/5 when he dies. Yeah that’s pretty annoying to deal with, but he doesn’t DO anything. He is a vanilla 4/5 that makes a nother vanilla 4/5. Having the 2 Mountainfires and the 2 Hatchlings are good enough for your N”Zoth. TRUST ME. Especially if you Dead Mans your N’Zoth you will win (I am quite sure; many decks can’t deal with 2 N’zoths).
You might ask: “What if I don’t have those legendaries? Huuhhh?”
Here are some REPLACEMENTS for legendaries in this deck:
Zola the Gorgon This card is here just to add abit of spice to the deck and get a bit of value especially on your Direhorns or even your N’Zoth. You can just put in a second Acolyte of Pain, Ravaging Ghoul, etc. Just put in some of the stape 3 mana cards in warrior.
The Darkness The Darkness is used for the very late game when your going fatigue against your opponent and when they don’t have any removals. You can just put another Brawl if you are dealing with aggro/tempo decks. You can put in some tech cards like Oozes, Skulking Gheists, etc.
Geosculptor Yip He adds some nasty value late game if you have enough armor. But if you don’t have him just put whatever big creatures you have. Since Marin is free, you can go ahead and pop him in there. He gives some nice value especially for players who don’t have enough dust to make Yip.
Scourgelord Garrosh Great clear in the late game, if you don’t have him, there isn’t much that can replace him. He’s a one of a kind. You can just put in some random big minions in your deck if you are poor.
N'Zoth, The Corruptor You don’t have this card? Then why would you search up a Nzoth deck. This is the main purpose. This is your win condition. Nothing replaces N’Zoth but N’Zoth.
Please note that the Control mulligan page is a joke. Don’t keep DK in your starting hand or you minus well concede ð