Kitkatz is one of the strongest Warrior players around, so when you see his Control Warrior deck list you generally pay attention. You’ll notice right away that the Legendary from the Grand Tournament that made the deck is not Varian Wrynn. The Legendary that makes the list is actually Justicar Trueheart. The card supercharges your Hero Power, and makes it very difficult for your opponent to deal enough damage to take you out. Another TGT card that makes an appearance is Bash. Not only can Bash take out a minion, but it can even do three damage to your opponent’s face!
Kitkatz’s TGT Season 17 Control Warrior
- 1Execute2
- 1Shield Slam2
- 2Armorsmith2
- 2Bash1
- 2Cruel Taskmaster2
- 2Fiery War Axe2
- 2Shield Block1
- 4Death’s Bite2
- 5Brawl1
- 5Shieldmaiden2
- 8Grommash Hellscream1
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Halllo guys!
Can i replace Slyvanas with Loatheb? And Harrison with Oze or SB?
Can i replace harrison with a loatheb and i have a rag , is it possible for me to fit him into this deck somehow? Ty
You can replace Harrison with Loatheb. There’s not a great spot for Ragnaros in this deck. I guess you could swap it for Ysera, but I don’t think I would do that.
Can i use him as a temporary replacement for ysera until i have enough dust to craft her?
I think it will work as a temporary replacement.
Don’t have Harrison, any replacements?
Acidic Swamp Ooze if you’re playing against a lot of Patron, or second Shield Block.
So, I have 1600 dust and I’m missing Grom and Ysera. Which should I craft first?
Tough call, I’d say Ysera because she’s more versatile, but Grom is more important to this particular deck.
Any thoughts on cutting a taskmaster for a second brawl?
Hey, the last legend I crated was Ysera and it’s such a powerful card. If your opponent doesn’t kill it quickly it will totally win the game just by itself.
Hey guys, i have all the cards except Ysera and Trueheart. What do you suggest, which should i craft? thanks
Ysera is the better card, and fits in a lot of control decks.
Hey guys, just wondering, the last legendary I need to craft for this deck is ysera. Would it be better to craft Baron Geddon instead?
Ysera is used in multiple decks, while Baron Geddon is usually only used in Control Warrior. Ysera is far superior!
Which is better in control warrior though?
I would say Ysera, especially since you don’t see Kitkatz running it in this list.
Just a quick question, I’m not the most experienced CW player but I do have some knowledge about advanced gameplay and deckbuilding… I was thinking, isn’t this a great deck and the right meta to include Baron Geddon ? Thanks.
i crafted this deck yestarday and i absolutely love it but i don’t have harrison jones so i replace it with an ooze. Also do you think it’s good to put an owl in here? i ask this because i hate when paladins use tyrion against me. BTW Awsome work ð (srr for bad english i’m italian xD)
Hey, your english is just fine.
Generally speaking replacing a card like Harrison for an ooze isn’t the best thing to do as he is a tech card, that’s like replacing a Thalnos with an kobold. It’s better to replace them with an actually good card like a second shield block.
I don’t think the owl fits the theme of the deck as theres such a limited pool of cards it would be viable against in the this deck. None of the cards in this deck is worse than an owl in this archetype and thus you shouldn’t use the owl unless your current ladder meta is only 1 or 2 types of decks, then you should tech around for value against those niche cards.
But don’t take my word for it, I’m not very good at this game.
I have all the cards except grom and justicar, and I only have dust to craft 1 of them, wich one should I craft and what should i sub the other legendary with?
Grom! IMO ^-^
Sub the other legendary with a shield block.
It’s better to have an actually good card than an mediocre replacement.
I suggest you craft Justicar since his battlecry is insane in Control warrior
Okay, thanks! ð
Best list tgt cw.
Agree with MadFrosty, I feel not comfortable playing just 1 sb.
because of all these aggro decks being played, i replaced emperor with another brawl.
comes in very useful when playing agaisnt aggro but kind of a dead card when im playing slower decks.
good idea?
Brawl is mostly used as a tech card against midrange decks, or against handlock. It is very often too slow against aggro. Replacing it with a shield block would likely be better.
i think varian is not a good inclusion in control warrior because in control warrior u wanna play ur big threats one by one acording to the situation u are in and varyan might end up losing ur big threats to equality+consecration combo or brawl or lightbomb. justicar is really good becasue u put a threat on the board with 6 attack and the 4 armor every turn is op in the control matchup and also makes ur sheildslams gain more value.
Varian Wrynn is a high risk high value card in control warrior. But if Varian Wrynn will be included in the deck, you must cut battle cry creaure and add cards like Ragnaros to make sure you will gain value if your big dudes are summoned by Varian Wrynn.
Now Varian Wrynn is not seen a lot in the control warrior deck. So if you can bait the AOE, and then play Varian Wrynn, the guy may still give you value. Also, don’t always expect Varian Wrynn will give you a dude on board. You’ve so many spells and weapons. Varian Wrynn may just mean card draw. However, the card draw may still help you to stall the game or just win it. Varian Wrynn is worth testing.
Best list I’ve played so far. Feels the most consistent but I did this change. -1 Emperor Thaurassian, +1 Shield Block. Helps ward off agro and with Ysera you aren’t hurting for late game.
I love playing control warrior, dragon warrior and dragon mage. I still don’t know whether i should craft Trueheart, Ysera, Chillmaw or Varian. Any opinions?
Why didn’t you put me in the deck?
Good question.
Because most cards wallet warrior has loose much value from being played without the Battlecry. Also Warrior doesnt benefit nearly as much from the gained tempo.
Then cut battle cry and add other cards with some effect at the end of the game. But I think shieldmaiden shall still be included even you are testing Varian Wrynn control warrior.