play jade cards to make big green dudes. use zola, sonya, umbra and cubes to copy your jade cards to make even bigger green dudes. use n’zoth to resummon your jade deathrattles for huge green dudes. or if you have a cairne bloodhoof up just umbra cube it for a full board of 4/5’s
I’m sorry if this sounds a bit harsh, but this deck is absolute bullshit. It gets completely destroyed by any deck that remotely gets a good start. Don’t waste any dust or time on this one.
sorry you are correct the original list was too slow and had no defence. i did update the list to one that works a lot better but forgot to update it here. the new deck list is now up.unfortunately it is now more expensive but most of my decks are a bit memey and i wouldn’t use dust to craft any of them lol. but if you already have the cards they can be fun to play.