King Shaman

Class: Shaman - Format: dragon - Type: control - Season: season-65 - Style: ladder

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What you keep is matchup dependent; if you are playing against mage, hard mull for plague of murlocs to get rid of giants and hagatha's scheme so that you can build it up in the early turns. 

Control variant that focuses on clearing boards, restocking deck with Elysiana, and dropping big boards with King Phaoris.

We run six heal cards (Witch’s brew, zilliax, hagatha the witch, and walking fountain) against aggro decks and to create space so that we can comfortably play big minions like Elysiana and Phaoris.

I cut swampqueen hagatha for a few reasons. First, she is extremely slow; playing a vanilla 7 mana 5/5 doesn’t do anything against swarm decks like Murloc Paladin and CC mage. Secondly, the resulting creation can have counter synergy with shudderwock; one of his key roles in control match-ups is to shuffle Elysiana cards to outlast the other decks in fatigue. Sometimes, choices like plague of murloc and the storm bringer can stop a Shudderwock’s battlecry and prevent you from shuffling cards into your deck. Lastly, Vulpera Scoundrel does the job much better; she allows for a turn 10 her+earthquake to clear the boards.

Shaman has the most board clears compared to every other deck, so it is important to run all of them. Lightning Storm, Hagatha’s Scheme, Earthquake, and Plague of murlocs allow for continuous control of how much your opponent can have each turn. Make sure to wait and bait out the most amount of minions for every clear.

2x sandbinder and 2x storm chaser pick up your late-game cards during the early game and maintain full hands throughout the game. Far Sight is also great in this deck because most of your cards are >3 mana cost. 

King Phaoris gives the deck something it didn’t have before; a come-back mechanic that can also act as a finisher. The card is great alongside Shudderwock, allowing you to refill your board twice with usually 3, 5, and 7 mana cost minions.

Everything else is pretty standard. The deck works great and is very consistent due to the amount of draws, heals, and clears.

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