Keelshot’s Wild Putshaman

Class: Shaman - Format: wild - Type: control - Season: season-61 - Style: ladder

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Pretty similar to Big Priest, you want to cheat big creatures in game.

Why this and not Big Priest?
Barnes will never be a problem. Worst case is Y'shaarj bringing him in. No more 6 mana 5/5 barnes.
Ancestor's Call works like a Dirty Rat also. And most times you will have mana up for hex – devolve.
-You don’t rely on ressurect, so polymorph effects are not so bad against you. You just lose a minion 1 for 1.
Eureka! is insane. It puts a copy of the minion, that means you can play it safely after the enemy uses removals on the eureka one.
-Shaman has the best removals in the game, and if you are familiar with the overload mechanic you can do whatever you want with the board.
Reincarnate +Ancestral Spirit can give you endless possibilities. We will discuss them below.

Sustain Cards
Maelstrom Portal – Lightning Storm Hex : are pretty obvious. Use them wisely and always be aware of overload and what is your plan for the next turn.
Volcano : typical use. Just dont be afraid to use it if the board has a big minion of yours and many smalls from enemy. The chances are that it will hit more small ones than your minion.
Devolve : always remember that 0 mana cost minions wont change. Also when you devolve 1 mana creatures there is 25% chance for mech (Target Dummy ) 25%chance for murloc (Murloc Tinyfin ) 25% for beast (Snowflipper Penguin ). Versus token druid try to keep if for living mana. Versus warlocks dont be afraid to use it to disrupt their Bloodreaver Guldan ressurects.
Healing Rain : vs aggro decks remember to rain before big trades, or you will waste a lot of healing on minions you dont really care if they survive. Vs Northsire Cleric remember you can overdraw them a lot if you have a big minion damaged.
Far Sight : easy cycling. I like playing it early for potentially faster combos.

Minions and Combos
 Barnes : What is different with big priest, is that we don’t want to barnes at 4 mana. It is far better to wait for 6 so we can barnes + ancestral spirit or Reincarnate.
 Sylvanas Windrunner : Great when put in with barnes and reincarnate. If you played here after an enemy deathrattle and you volcano, you will steal enemy’s summoned minion.
 Kel'Thuzad : Reincarnate on Kel’thuzad = 2 Kel thuzads. Ancestral spirit + reincarnate on him = 4 KT . Very good vs single target removal decks.
 Ragnaros the Firelord : Very good for ancestor’s call, there is chance to kill enemy summoned minion. Also you can play with ancestral spirits/reincarnate/kel thuzad for many rags and deal a lot of damage.
 The Lich King  Ysera  Y'Shaarj, Rage Unbound : Great end of turn abilities. Makes them useable even if they come as 1/1 from barnes.
 Deathwing, Dragonlord : Probably the best minion in the deck. 12/12 threatens for almost 2 turn kill. If you eureka him, the minion on the board will summon himself when dead. He also puts in Ysera and her  Emerald Drake if u have any in hand.

Reincarnate  Ancestral Spirit
Ancestral spirit on a minion and then Reincarnate = 2 copies of the minion
Reincarnate on barnes 1/1 copy = normal stats copy
Ancestral spirit helps you to play around destroy/damage removals since it will resummon the minion.

Replacements / flexible slots
Unfortunately Barnes/The Lich King/Deathwing/Yshaarj, are vital. If you want to replace any of the other creatures, the possible ones are:
Malygos : is a dragon who will get in from deathwing, spell damage can be used for more board clearing efficiency, priests can’t deal with him or Ysera easily. Remember if you play him, Ysera Awakens will do 10 damage also to you and your minions.
Nozdormu : I always thought of putting him into big priest. Also a dragon for deathwing, and it can be very disrupting for your enemy to have to deal with an 8/8 on turn 4 and within 15seconds of thought.
Trogzorr the Earthinator : Also a big fan. He asures a Burly Rockjaw Trogg and could be a decent replacement.
Deranged Doctor: a budget replacement. Is 8/8, has a nice ability even with barnes, and you can reincarnate him to get out of lethal ranges.
Silver Vanguard : Another common choice. And i think it would work pretty fine.

Matchups and Mulligan
The most games I have lost with this deck are versus Odd rogue/Zoo lock god hands. I am not really mad, because we know that when they draw good, no deck can beat them. Cards to aim for: devolve/healing rain/lightning storm / volcano. Vs paladin maelstrom portal will be most priority.
Tempo: I haven’t lost to any tempo yet on 150 games. They depend on mid game and you have 10/10 bodies at that time. Most tricky machup of these is the Rogue. Care for Vilespine and Blightnozzle Crawler.
Control: Control is also a good matchup. Their removals are never enough to get rid of everything. In a game vs control usually you will play around 10-12 big minions (eureka/reincarnates etc.). Just don’t overextend and always respect every possible removal.
Combo: Not a lot to say here. Just go for a safe ancestor’s call with mana open for hex/devolve in case you get a combo creature (Malygos/dreampetal/etc)
Mulligan: I always mulligan for aggro. Unless its a priest. Devolve is number 1 priority, and volcano number 2. Then all the rest. Don’t be too afraid to tank some damage and try to go for max value on your removals.

Future Thoughts:
Not really very much to change. The only thing I would like to add is 1xHealing Wave , to avoid being in awkward low life situations vs things like even shaman (got Crackle 2×7 recently) bombs hunter and so. Would get out 1 Ancestral Spirit or 1 Maelstrom Portal , depends on what people are going to play after doomsday nerfs.

That’s it, hope you like it and that you have fun playing the deck. Of course I am open on any suggestions and thoughts you have. Good Luck!

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