General Mulligans
These are the mulligan choices I recommend generally. Barnes in your hand allows you to get big minions out quicker than just waiting for him, Spirit Lash and Shadow Word Horror allow you to clear a good chunk of the board efficiently, Greater Healing Potion and Holy Nova are good tools of healing, Eternal Servitude can resurrect a big guy summoned by Barnes, (Or maybe even Barnes himself, if you're up to the memes) Lesser Diamond Spellstone is a better Eternal Servitude for only (3) more mana and Shadow Visions is a good cheap spell to accelerate the process of getting and building up your Lesser Diamond Spellstone.
Aggro Mulligans
For aggro decks, Spirit Lash can come in especially handy with it's 1 damage vampire board clear at the early stages of the game, the Shadow Words can eliminate the threat of minions of 3 or less attack, or 5 or more attack ruining your day, Barnes can pull out a Lich King for you to hide behind and Holy Nova can be a board clear that gives your whole board health. This is a good way of shutting down the aggro threat once and for all.
Control Mulligans
For control decks this should be the mulligan. Barnes should always be there, no matter what, to pull out big creatures, Holy Nova can deal 2 damage to the whole of your opponent's board while healing your own, Shadow Essence can be a pocket Barnes, Shadow Word: Death can get rid of big threats in the 6 mana range, Shadow Visions can pull out a good spell for you to use, and Lesser Diamond Spellstone can resurrect the creatures summoned by Barnes. Pretty good, if you ask me.A Big Priest deck made using new cards from K&C and some good set pieces. Get your minions out early with Recruits, Resurrections and early game big minions courtesy of Barnes and Y’Shaarj!
Good set pieces.

Barnes is always a useful card for Big decks in general, but Big Priest is the dek that makes it work the best. Combined with cards like Y’Shaarj, Rage Unbound and Silver Vanguard, you can get amass a very ‘Big’ threat. Pun intended.

Silver Vanguard is an understatted card, that would be terrible normally, but this deck gives it Deathrattle: Summon The Lich King. Even with the restrictive Deathrattle, Silver Vanguard + Free Lich King = Great value. Oh, and it can be pulled by the Big Priest spells and Y’Shaarj himself. Let the Priest madness commence.

The hipster Recruiter, Y’Shaarj returns to Priest again to cause some chaos. This time, however, he now has Lesser and a disciple in the form of Silver on his side after going bobbing for candles. These cards can resurrect the Old God and recruit other minions for his army respectively, developing his power further and further until the opponent is in an unwinnable situation. Not bad for a 1 in 5 pull out from Barnes.

Finally, the Priest’s spellstone. Resurrecting 2 friendly minions is quite good for this already, with the lacking amount of minions and Barnes guaranteeing him and one of his summoned friends come back to party. However, with a lot of spells cast, the resurrection can turn from good to great, eventually resurrecting lots of big guys, 4 to be exact. Worst case scenario, you get one big guy, a Barnes an Obsidian and a Silver when you’ve already played The. Still, that isn’t bad either, getting one back is far better than none, after all.
Have fun destroying opponents with the light, Karazhan’s premier playwright and a few shenanigans along the way!
OK where to begin… Devour mind SUCKS, ur running sh. word horror without Pint size potion and what if u draw Silver vanguards before Lich king ????
Devour Mind can get you cards easily, I realised the lack of Pint Size Horror, and will edit it accordingly, and what if you draw Lich King before Silver Vanguard (as I assume you meant)? The same thing that happens if you draw Patches before another Pirate.