Karma finished rank 58 on the NA Legendary ladder with this Dragon Handlock deck list. The deck is unique because it swaps out Sludge Belcher for the powerful yet niche Blackwing Corruptor. The deck even replaces a Mountain Giant for the un-Big Game Hunter-able, Chromaggus. Ysera found its way into the deck because most standard Handlock lists have removed Siphon Soul. The other benefit to Ysera is that because Twilight Drake tends to soak up most silences, it is able to have multiple turns of card generation.
Read more about Karma’s deck and strategy on Reddit.
This deck is infinitely worse vs aggro and faster midrange decks like combo druid than both demon and standard handlock. Chrommagus and Ysera are super slow and by playing them you’re trying to dodge BGH with 4 other BGH’able targets in the deck, which is nonsense.
Curruptors are really powerful creatures obviously. But I think Demon Handlock is strictly better than this. It’s faster and has better tempo swing potential with the Voidcallers. This works because it functions similar enough to handlock.
Regardless, Karma is a really good handlock player and she could have easily finished top 50 with any other warlock hand deck.
Played 12 games today, and I am 11-1 with this deck. Thinking about swapping chro for nef bcs my hand is often kinda packed.
(at rank 13-10)
Chro dodges bgh tho
yeah but I usually don’t get to play chro b4 I have played any other bgh targets. And most decks only carry one bgh in current meta.
Think ima wait till TGT comes out and swap Chro for Fizzlebang
Not doing well with this deck.
Maybe this is even slower than the traditional Handlock deck? I play on Asia, the majority here are aggros. I couldn’t survive till I can get my ysera out most of the games
why a siphonsoul?
Handlock mirror and things immune to BHG https://www.reddit.com/r/CompetitiveHS/comments/3ff6oc/finished_rank_58_w_dragon_handlock_ft_ysera_and/
Replacements for Ysera?
Nefarian for two instant spells.
I only count 4 dragons. Is that enough for the synergy ?
Yes, because you’re able to draw into them more reliably with Warlock’s Hero Power.