Kangor’s MidRange Mechs (Quest for a refined Midrange mech deck)

Class: Paladin - Format: raven - Type: midrange - Season: season-53 - Style: ladder

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General Mulligans

if in doubt mulligan for early game cards

Aggro Mulligans

 more than anything else you need to play defectively so you can stay alive long enough to build up sturdy taunt minions 

Control Mulligans

if you know the enemy is using a slow deck then take advantage of this and start building your mechs as soon as you can so that you force them to burn through any silence or hard removal to clear a path for kangor's endless army assuming if they can remove your mechs at all 

in an effort to make Mech Paladin into a solid Midrange Ladder Deck, I have been experimenting with different combinations of mechs, normal minions, and spells. this deck providing the best results for me thus far, but,  I would like some feedback to refine the deck further.    

———-this version’s game plan ———-

the end goal, in a nutshell, is to use val’anyr with your magnetic minions to create high bust damage buffs that return when Endless Army is used.

high priority targets for the val’anyr effect to land on in particular are glow-Tron, WarGear CopperTail and Zilliax.

good targets to magnetize are the machano-egg, annoy-o-module, CopperTail due to there ability to stay on board or in the machano-eggs case the enemy’s reluctance to remove it.     


———card choices (and my reasoning for there inclusion)———–


for a while, this deck use Nightmare Amalgam, Upgradeable FrameBot, and other lesser used mechs throughout its variations to see how they fit, however, they proved to be ether unhelpful to the deck or to easily removed.  generally, these are the mechs that I’ve found that work particularly well with val’anyr, Coppertail, in particular, is been a generally safe minion for val’anyr to land on because of its first turn of stealth, as for every other mech in the deck it essentially becomes a Blessing of kings Plus. great for Bust damage turns

Crystology and Anti aggro cards—

Crystology was a major thing in mind when I built this deck.  not only does it draw magnetic minions but it also tutors early game defence (righteous protector and bronze gatekeeper) and Kangor for sustain. If smaller minions are proving to be a bigger threat the large endgame minions, Aldor Peacekeeper can be replaced with Tar Creeper.

—–Mossy Horror and Arcane Dynamo—-

mossy horror is a recent addition to this deck and acts as both a means to bust down low attack walls like spreading plages and giggling inventer but also and a way to crack open the mechano-egg if left alone for too long 

Arcane Dynamo is admittedly a dice roll but a dice roll that takes advantage of standard Paladins small spell pool in the 5 and above range, best case scenario you get a second endless army and can guaranty a good board in the late game, avenging wrath and dinosize is a nice picks to use bust damage to end the match, spikeridge steed and Lay on hands for sustainability and shrink ray to disable threats or to follow up with mossy horror.

—–noteworthy submissions —-

Class cards

equality — if the meta wasn’t in the clutches of agro odd decks loaded small minions then a copy would be in here.

sunkeeper Tarim — an amazing card but a bad deck have him in the goal is to build big mechs and keep them big and playing Tarim in a meta loaded with small minions can potentially backfire  

neutral cards

 stone hill defender — good card and can be tutored with crystolgy but the low defence doesn’t do much against aggressive decks

missile launcher — Arcane Dynamo and Mossy Horror take the only play where it can go in this version so if you wish you can replay the dynamo for a copy if you really want to.

Countess Ashmore/Lich King/Tirion fordring/ any other legendaries  — lich king is in the spot were your legendary of choice goes. ashmore for draw, lich king for value generation/ Tirion for defence/ heck you could put Zola the Gorgan if you wanted to.


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