General Mulligans
Skip the first turn, play Rising Winds on the second (your choice, I usually go for drawing), third turn Archspore, fourth turn Overgrowth, and by the fifth turn you'll have 7 mana, you'll have something strong to play (Forest Warden+Lightning Bloom+Ysera // // Some medium strong minion+Rising winds (draw) // another Overgrowth+Rising winds)This a Tempo Druid deck, it works amazingly well for me (41 wins of 50 games)
Easy to buff up your minions, always have a few cards in your hand
One of the greatest combos (on 8 mana turn): Kael’Thas+Lightning Bloom+Solar Eclipse+Survival of the Fittest (most players concede after this) (and if you can continue, Lightning Bloom+Crystal power+Guardian animals)
Crystal Power can be substituted with any 1 cost spell (e.g. Nature studies/Worthy Expeditition/Claw), but it works good for me, I usually go for the healing)
Evasive Wyrm can be substituted with any strong 4-6 mana minion thats not a Beast (e.g. Crimson Hothead/Fantastic Firebird/Faceless Manipulator/OgreMancer/Portal Overfiend/Khartut Defender/Claw Machine
Just try this