JustSaiyan’s Season 18 Midrange Dragon Warrior

Class: Warrior - Format: wild - Type: midrange - Season: season-18 - Style: ladder

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With most people assuming your Warrior deck is Control or Patron, it’s always great to throw your opponent a curve ball. JustSaiyan mentioned that this deck plays like Midrange Druid, and is more of a beatdown deck than a control deck. You will be looking to hit the board on curve, while using your weapons to keep their minions from destroying yours. Play this more aggressively, and hopefully finish them off with a big threat like Dr. Boom or Grommash Hellscream.

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  1. Alex
    December 5, 2015 at 11:43 AM

    hey guys, i got rank 5 with my dragon mage last season and am a huge fan of dragon decks (besides priest because I find it a little boring.) I have been looking for a dragon deck to finally hit legend with and was wondering if anyone could confirm that this is viable for that. I like the idea of more of a midrange dragon deck as mine is heavy control, and as a result nearly always wins vs control but struggles vs aggro, particularly paladins although hunters are a decent matchup. I know this isnt really the right place for it but if anyone could take a look at my list and see what improvements I could make to combat aggro without losing too much in control matchups (which is why I dont use deathlord).
    x2 frostbolt
    x2 explosive sheep
    x2 mad scientist
    x1 fallen hero (i like using two of these but im not sure what to cut)
    x1 ice block
    x2 duplicate
    x2 blackwing technitian
    x1 illuminator
    x1 twilight drake
    x2 twilight guardian
    x2 fireball
    x2 polymorph
    x2 azure drake
    x1antique healbot
    x1 blackwing corruptor
    x1 rend blackhand
    x1 flamestrike
    x1 ragnaros
    x1 chillmaw
    x1 alexstraza
    x1 ysera

    cards i wish I had room for: sludgebelcher, any early game card to fight aggro, bran bronzebeard
    *possibly baron geddon over ragnaros or dr boom over rend blackhand?
    The whole idea of the deck is to survive aggro and completely outvalue control with strong removal in the form of poly/fireball/blackhand and duplicating my own big cards like chillmaw. Thanks in advance for any help/opinions!

    • alex
      December 5, 2015 at 11:45 AM

      Edit: it actually performs better past rank 10 than it does at lower rank because all I see at lower ranks is aggro every game.

  2. Josh
    November 26, 2015 at 2:27 AM

    took out gnomish for rag and chillmaw for barron geddon. Works out pretty well.

  3. Wheedar
    October 21, 2015 at 7:59 AM

    Anyone tried this in the current meta with alot of secret paladins?

  4. Shammot
    October 13, 2015 at 10:01 AM

    I took out drakanoid crusher X1 and acolyte of pain X1 for revenge x2 and don’t have grom so I added nefarian. Ended up working a lot better against face hunters and paladins

  5. BigCatDaddy
    October 3, 2015 at 3:42 AM

    I took out acolyte for an owl its a lot better I believe

  6. DarkSetya
    October 1, 2015 at 11:16 PM

    Looks interesting,,
    I don’t have Chillmaw though,, is Ysera good enough?

    • Evident - Author
      October 2, 2015 at 7:31 AM

      It might work.

      • Moppy
        November 6, 2015 at 1:08 AM

        Hey Evident, I see you post all over the website on every deck all the time to all these comments. Keep up the great work with assisting the Hearthstone community, you fantastic human being!

    • Fhrey
      October 3, 2015 at 7:04 AM

      Weak against Patron if you don’t include Chillmaw. tho. it’s kinda good replacement for Dragon Synergy

  7. FunkMasterJ
    October 1, 2015 at 9:19 PM

    Got 100% violated by JustSaiyan playing this deck on the legend ladder

  8. Kira
    September 30, 2015 at 12:59 PM

    How can i replace Grom?

    • Chauncho
      September 30, 2015 at 8:45 PM

      Replace him with a late game threat of some kind (aggressive minion ofcourse), the concern is that Grommash is VERY strong and in combination with an enrage trigger he’s 10 hasted damage which no single card can replace in the list. If you have various late game legendaries (ala Rag) use them, but if you don’t try running just a big late game card such as Force Tank Max or North Sea Kraken

    • IceWeasel
      October 6, 2015 at 8:19 AM

      If you don’t have Grom don’t play warrior.